Angiographyorigin example sentences

Related (7): Angiogram, Arteriogram, Venogram, Radiology, Catheterization, X-ray, Tomography.

"Angiographyorigin" Example Sentences

1. The cardiologist ordered an angiographyorigin test to determine the cause of the patient's chest pain.
2. The angiographyorigin procedure revealed several blockages in the patient's coronary arteries.
3. After the angiographyorigin, the doctor recommended bypass surgery to improve blood flow to the heart.
4. There are two types of angiographyorigin- invasive and non-invasive.
5. The patient was nervous about the angiographyorigin, but the technician reassured them that it would be painless.
6. The angiographyorigin images revealed a tumor in the patient's liver.
7. The angiographyorigin indicated that the patient had a brain aneurysm that required urgent treatment.
8. The angiographyorigin showed significant narrowing in the patient's carotid artery.
9. The angiographyorigin allowed the surgeon to precisely identify the location of a blood clot in the patient's leg.
10. The patient was able to go home the same day as the angiographyorigin procedure.
11. The angiographyorigin is a common diagnostic test for heart disease.
12. The angiographyorigin contrast dye can cause allergic reactions in some patients.
13. The technician instructed the patient to remain still during the angiographyorigin to ensure clear images.
14. The cardiologist carefully reviewed the angiographyorigin results to make an accurate diagnosis.
15. The angiographyorigin revealed a congenital defect in the patient's vascular system.
16. The angiographyorigin was able to detect early signs of atherosclerosis in the patient's arteries.
17. The catheter used during the angiographyorigin was inserted through a small incision in the patient's arm.
18. The angiographyorigin is considered a low-risk procedure for most patients.
19. The angiographyorigin images were used to guide the placement of a stent in the patient's artery.
20. The patient reported feeling mild discomfort during the angiographyorigin but was relieved once the procedure was complete.
21. The angiographyorigin is a highly accurate test for diagnosing vascular diseases.
22. The cardiologist explained the risks and benefits of the angiographyorigin to the patient before the procedure.
23. The angiographyorigin showed that the patient's heart was functioning normally.
24. The patient was required to fast for several hours before the angiographyorigin to avoid complications.
25. The angiographyorigin provided the surgeon with crucial information about the patient's vascular anatomy prior to a complex surgical procedure.
26. The angiographyorigin scan lasted approximately 30 minutes.
27. The patient was able to resume their normal activities within a day of the angiographyorigin.
28. The angiographyorigin is often used in conjunction with other imaging tests to get a complete picture of the patient's condition.
29. The angiographyorigin allowed the doctor to evaluate the blood flow to the patient's kidneys.
30. The angiographyorigin helped the patient and their healthcare team develop a comprehensive treatment plan.

Common Phases

- Angiographyorigin is a diagnostic imaging test used to visualize blood vessels in the body.
- The procedure involves the injection of a contrast dye into a blood vessel, followed by X-ray or CT scan imaging.
- Angiographyorigin can help diagnose and treat a variety of conditions, including arterial blockages, aneurysms, and tumors.
- The risks of angiographyorigin include allergic reactions to the contrast dye, bleeding, and damage to the blood vessels or surrounding tissues.
- On the day of the procedure, patients may be asked to fast and avoid certain medications.
- After the procedure, patients may need to rest and avoid strenuous activities for a certain period of time.
- Results from angiographyorigin can help guide further treatment decisions and improve outcomes for patients.

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