Animadvertclassical example sentences

Related (10): animosity, anima, animalcule, adherent, advertise, adapt, adverb, adaptability, classicist, classicize.

"Animadvertclassical" Example Sentences

1. The professor animadverted on the excessive use of alliteration in classical poetry.
2. I must animadvert on the poor quality of this classical music performance.
3. She was quick to animadvert on any inaccuracies in her students' classical research papers.
4. Despite being a fan of classical literature, he could not help but animadvert on the outdated cultural attitudes present in some texts.
5. The critic's animadversions on the director's use of classical music in the film were scathing.
6. As a lover of classical art, she was disappointed to animadvert on the lack of diversity in the museum's collection.
7. The professor animadverted eloquently on the significance of classical rhetoric in modern politics.
8. He animadverted on the importance of understanding classical philosophy in order to comprehend the roots of modern thought.
9. The author used her book as a platform to animadvert on the way that classical beauty standards have impacted women throughout history.
10. The panel discussion gave critics the opportunity to animadvert on the shortcomings they saw in the production of the classical play.
11. Despite being a fan of classical music, he had to animadvert on the conductor's poor interpretation of the piece.
12. I couldn't help but animadvert on the historical inaccuracies present in the classical drama.
13. The critic's animadversions on the use of classical allusions in the novel were insightful.
14. Her lecture animadverted on the ways in which classical literature has been used to justify oppressive societal practices.
15. The professor's animadversion on the traditional interpretation of classical mythology was thought-provoking.
16. Despite her love of classical art, she had to animadvert on the lack of representation of diverse cultures in the museum's collection.
17. I am still processing the animadversions she made on my understanding of classical philosophy.
18. The debate provided an opportunity for speakers to animadvert on the role of classical literature in contemporary education.
19. His essay animadverted on the ways in which classical music has been used as a tool of cultural imperialism.
20. The critic didn't hold back in their animadversions on the director's interpretation of the classical play.
21. Despite the author's love of classical literature, she was willing to animadvert on the ways in which it has been used to uphold patriarchal structures.
22. The panel discussion gave audience members a chance to animadvert on the impact of classical art on contemporary culture.
23. The professor's animadversion on the role of classical rhetoric in politics was salient.
24. She animadverted on the ways in which the classical novel perpetuated racist stereotypes.
25. Despite her love of classical music, she had to animadvert on the lack of representation of female composers in the canon.
26. The critic's animadversions on the use of classical imagery in the film were pointed.
27. His lecture animadverted on the importance of contextualizing classical literature within its historical and cultural context.
28. Despite the museum's extensive collection of classical art, she couldn't help but animadvert on the lack of representation of works by artists of color.
29. The author used her novel as a platform to animadvert on the relationship between classical education and social class in the modern era.
30. The panel discussion gave speakers the chance to animadvert on the ways in which classical mythology has been used to uphold heteronormative norms.

Common Phases

1. The professor animadverted on the lack of originality in classical literature;
2. The critic animadverted classical music for being emotionally detached;
3. The historian animadverted on the societal issues present in classical civilizations;
4. The philosopher animadverted classical logic and argued for alternative systems of reasoning;
5. The linguist animadverted classical grammar and proposed new ways of language analysis.

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