Anticlinefrom example sentences

Related (5): formation, fold, stratigraphy, geology, uplift

"Anticlinefrom" Example Sentences

1. The anticline from the recent earthquake caused significant damage to the surrounding buildings.
2. The geologists discovered an anticline from the rock formations in the area.
3. The oil drilling company was excited to find an anticline from their exploratory drilling.
4. The highway was built over an anticline from the nearby mountain range.
5. The structural engineer studied the anticline from the bridge for potential weaknesses.
6. The river flowed through an anticline from the surrounding hills.
7. The hikers were fascinated by the anticline from the exposed cliff face.
8. The topographical map showed the anticline from the elevation lines.
9. The researcher analyzed the anticline from the sedimentary layers of the soil.
10. The fault line created the anticline from the pressure of the tectonic plates.
11. The tour guide pointed out the anticline from the scenic overlook.
12. The mining company struggled to extract resources from the anticline due to the rocky terrain.
13. The water supply had to be rerouted due to the anticline from the construction site.
14. The drone captured stunning aerial footage of the anticline from the valley floor.
15. The natural wonder attracted many visitors to see the anticline from its unique perspective.
16. The park ranger warned hikers of the anticline from the steep, unstable cliffs.
17. The eco-tourism company offered tours of the anticline from the safety of all-terrain vehicles.
18. The seismologist predicted potential earthquakes from the anticline in the area.
19. The ancient ruins stood on top of an anticline from the geological upheaval centuries ago.
20. The excavation team discovered a cave system within the anticline from the limestone formations.
21. The artist painted a stunning landscape of the anticline from the nearby meadow.
22. The town suffered from flooding due to the anticline from the heavy rainstorms.
23. The wildlife biologist studied the ecosystem within the anticline for research purposes.
24. The architecture firm designed a building to adapt to the anticline's unique geological features.
25. The heat map showed increased activity from the anticline's geothermal energy potential.
26. The coast guard monitored the anticline from the safety of their boats during turbulent ocean waves.
27. The archeologist found ancient artifacts within the anticline from the nomadic tribes of the past.
28. The tornado warning was issued due to the potential danger of the anticline's funnel-cloud formation.
29. The farmer adjusted their irrigation system to accommodate the anticline's rocky soil.
30. The weather forecast predicted windy conditions due to the anticline's natural wind tunnel effect.

Common Phases

1. The rock layers at this site all dip away from the anticlineform.
2. The anticlineform feature in the landscape indicates a potential reservoir.
3. The anticlineform structure can be found throughout this region.
4. The oil and gas is typically found at the crest of the anticlineform.
5. The fold in the rock layers created a pronounced anticlineform.

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