Aphorismos example sentences

Related (6): wisdom, adage, maxim, epigram, precept, principle.

"Aphorismos" Example Sentences

1. My favorite book is full of aphorismos that I try to live by.
2. The ancient philosopher shared his wisdom through a collection of aphorismos.
3. The wise elder always had an aphorismos for any situation.
4. I always carry a small notebook to write down any aphorismos that inspire me.
5. The teacher began each class with an aphorismos to set a thoughtful tone.
6. The author's use of aphorismos made the book both relatable and profound.
7. The painting's caption was a famous aphorismos by Leonardo da Vinci.
8. The bumper sticker displayed a humorous aphorismos about the dangers of procrastination.
9. The preacher ended her sermon with a powerful aphorismos that left the congregation feeling inspired.
10. The athlete had a tattoo of his favorite aphorismos to remind him to never give up.
11. The politician's speeches were often filled with empty aphorismos that lacked substance.
12. The poet's use of aphorismos gave his work a timeless quality.
13. The business leader often shared aphorismos about the importance of hard work and perseverance.
14. The love letter ended with a heartfelt aphorismos about the beauty of love.
15. The philosopher's most famous aphorismos was "know thyself."
16. The comedian's routine was filled with aphorismos that made the audience laugh and think.
17. The song's lyrics included a poignant aphorismos about the fleeting nature of life.
18. The motivational speaker's aphorismos always left the audience feeling empowered.
19. The farmer's favorite aphorismos was "you reap what you sow."
20. The artist's work was often inspired by aphorismos from famous thinkers.
21. The coach's favorite aphorismos was "failure is not an option."
22. The actor's success was due in part to his natural ability to deliver aphorismos with perfect timing.
23. The writer's aphorismos were often used in headlines and as captions for photographs.
24. The scientist's aphorismos were focused on the importance of experimentation and scientific discovery.
25. The student's essay included an aphorismos from a famous philosopher to support her argument.
26. The chef's aphorismos about the art of cooking inspired many aspiring chefs.
27. The journalist's article began with a powerful aphorismos about the importance of free speech.
28. The athlete's aphorismos about teamwork were instrumental in leading his team to victory.
29. The musician's songs were often filled with aphorismos that spoke to the human experience.
30. The historian's book included aphorismos from prominent leaders throughout history to illustrate his points.

Common Phases

not wait for opportunities; create them.
Actions speak louder than words; make sure your actions reflect your true intentions.
Honesty is the best policy; lying only complicates things.
Success is the result of hard work; there are no shortcuts.
Everything happens for a reason; trust the process.
Practice makes perfect; keep trying until you succeed.
Time heals all wounds; be patient and give yourself time to heal.
Tomorrow is another day; always have hope for a better tomorrow.
You are never too old to learn; keep educating yourself.
Laughter is the best medicine; find joy in life's simple pleasures.

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