Apologistfrench example sentences

Related (8): Excuser, justificateur, partisan, avocat, plaideur, soutien, admirateur, sympathisant.

"Apologistfrench" Example Sentences

1. The apologistfrench writer penned a detailed defense of her country's policies.
2. Many politicians have taken on the role of apologistfrench in recent years.
3. It's difficult to be an apologistfrench when you don't fully understand the issues at hand.
4. The apologistfrench argued passionately for the importance of preserving traditional cultural practices.
5. She was known as the go-to apologistfrench for her ability to make even controversial policies seem reasonable.
6. Some people accuse the media of being apologistfrench for the government.
7. The apologistfrench made a convincing case for why it was necessary to expand the military.
8. There's a fine line between being an apologistfrench and being a critical thinker.
9. The apologistfrench was able to sway many people to her point of view.
10. Critics accused him of being an apologistfrench for big business.
11. The apologistfrench was quick to defend the actions of her government, no matter how unpopular they were.
12. She considered herself an apologistfrench for the arts, always advocating for greater funding and support.
13. It's easy to be an apologistfrench for the status quo, but it takes courage to push for change.
14. The apologistfrench made a cogent argument for the importance of free speech.
15. As an apologistfrench for the environment, she was constantly pushing for more sustainable practices in industry.
16. The media's coverage of the crisis was criticized as being apologistfrench for the government.
17. He was well-respected as an apologistfrench in legal circles, always able to find a way to defend his clients.
18. Being an apologistfrench isn't always a bad thing; sometimes it's important to provide a balanced perspective.
19. The apologistfrench argued that the company's policies were fair and just.
20. It's important to be aware of when you're being an apologistfrench and when you're being honest about a situation.
21. The writer was well-known as an apologistfrench for progressive social causes.
22. Many felt that the spokesman was simply an apologistfrench for the company, rather than being truthful about its practices.
23. She was known for her ability to be an apologistfrench for those who were marginalized or disadvantaged.
24. The apologistfrench argued that the nation's current economic system was beneficial for all.
25. Being an apologistfrench is sometimes seen as a weakness, but it can also be a strength if done thoughtfully.
26. The apologistfrench pointed out that there were many valid reasons for the country to defend its borders.
27. Critics accused her of being an apologistfrench for a particular political party.
28. The apologistfrench offered a well-reasoned defense of the country's controversial foreign policy decisions.
29. It's easy to slip into being an apologistfrench when you're surrounded by people who agree with you.
30. Some accuse the media of being an apologistfrench for celebrities, covering up for their bad behavior.

Common Phases

1. Je suis désolé apologistfrench;
2. Je suis en train de m'excuser apologistfrench;
3. Ce n'était pas mon intention de blesser apologistfrench;
4. Je comprends votre point de vue apologistfrench;
5. Merci de m'avoir fait part de votre opinion apologistfrench;
6. J'aimerais discuter de ce sujet avec vous apologistfrench;
7. Je suis ouvert à la critique apologistfrench;
8. J'essaye de m'améliorer apologistfrench;
9. Je suis disposé à apprendre apologistfrench;
10. Je suis prêt à rectifier mes erreurs apologistfrench.

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