Apostheosis example sentences

Related (9): deification, elevation, glorification, transcendence, perfection, divinization, exaltation, idealization, apotheosis

"Apostheosis" Example Sentences

1. The apostheosis of his career was winning the Nobel Prize.
2. Lucy's performance in the play was considered the apostheosis of her acting skills.
3. After years of hard work, her book became the apostheosis of her literary career.
4. The painting was widely regarded as the apostheosis of the artist's talent.
5. The athlete's world record was considered the apostheosis of his physical abilities.
6. The Taj Mahal is considered the apostheosis of Mughal architecture.
7. The entrepreneur's successful business venture was the apostheosis of his career.
8. After many attempts, her final artwork became the apostheosis of her creativity.
9. The ballet dancer's performance in that show was the apostheosis of her graceful movements.
10. The scientist's invention was seen as the apostheosis of his groundbreaking research.
11. The musician's most recent album is considered the apostheosis of his musical career.
12. The success of her startup was the apostheosis of her business acumen.
13. The athlete's gold medal was the apostheosis of her years of training.
14. The artist's final sculpture was seen as the apostheosis of her skills.
15. The author's latest novel was considered the apostheosis of her storytelling.
16. The CEO's successful merger was the apostheosis of his strategic planning.
17. The chef's signature dish was the apostheosis of his culinary expertise.
18. The politician's successful election was the apostheosis of his campaign efforts.
19. The filmmaker's latest movie was seen as the apostheosis of his directing skills.
20. The software engineer's latest program was considered the apostheosis of his coding abilities.
21. The actor's performance in the lead role was the apostheosis of his dramatic range.
22. The architect's latest building design was seen as the apostheosis of his creative vision.
23. The singer's latest hit song was the apostheosis of her vocal abilities.
24. The poet's latest collection of poems was the apostheosis of her artistic expression.
25. The swimmer's world record was considered the apostheosis of his endurance.
26. The teacher's successful lesson plan was the apostheosis of her teaching skills.
27. The economist's groundbreaking theory was seen as the apostheosis of his research.
28. The entrepreneur's successful product launch was the apostheosis of her marketing intuition.
29. The athlete's Olympic gold medal was the apostheosis of her athletic prowess.
30. The photographer's latest exhibit was considered the apostheosis of his artistic style.

Common Phases

1. The apostheosis of the hero was evident in his fearless actions;
2. The artist was striving for the apostheosis of beauty in his works;
3. The quest for knowledge can lead to the apostheosis of the mind;
4. The apostheosis of power led to the downfall of the tyrant;
5. In mythology, the gods were often portrayed as achieving apostheosis.

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