Arguendum example sentences

Related (10): argument, premise, thesis, assertion, conclusion, evidence, reason, claim, point, counterargument

"Arguendum" Example Sentences

1. The arguendum in this debate is whether or not the death penalty should be abolished.
2. We need to focus on the arguendum of the contract before we can move forward with negotiations.
3. The arguendum of the conversation was the ethics of animal testing.
4. The arguendum of the court case was the defendant's alleged involvement in the crime.
5. Let's get to the arguendum of the matter and discuss the real issue at hand.
6. The arguendum of the article was the impact of climate change on ocean ecosystems.
7. The arguendum of the meeting was the budget cuts affecting various departments.
8. We need to consider the arguendum of this issue before we make any rash decisions.
9. The arguendum outlined in the memo was the need for increased security measures.
10. The arguendum for the presentation was the benefits of incorporating mindfulness in the workplace.
11. We can't ignore the arguendum of the opposing party and must address their concerns.
12. The arguendum of the campaign was to raise awareness of mental health in the community.
13. The arguendum of the experiment was to test the effectiveness of a new medication.
14. We must focus on the arguendum and avoid getting distracted by irrelevant details.
15. The arguendum for the essay was the impact of technology on interpersonal communication.
16. It is important to identify the arguendum before engaging in any discussion or debate.
17. The arguendum of the study was to investigate the effects of sleep deprivation on cognitive function.
18. The arguendum for the proposal was the need for environmental sustainability in the company.
19. Let's stay on track and address the arguendum instead of going off on tangents.
20. The arguendum of the speech was the importance of education in reducing poverty.
21. The arguendum of the survey was to gather data on consumer preferences for a new product.
22. We can't reach a resolution until we agree on the arguendum of the problem.
23. The arguendum for the debate was the role of government in regulating social media.
24. It's essential to understand the arguendum in order to present a compelling argument.
25. The arguendum of the experiment was to test the hypothesis that caffeine improves memory.
26. We must carefully consider the arguendum before taking any drastic actions.
27. The arguendum of the forum was the impact of globalization on culture.
28. The arguendum for the research project was the efficacy of a new cancer treatment.
29. Let's stick to the arguendum and avoid getting sidetracked by personal opinions.
30. The arguendum of the meeting was to address the concerns raised by employees about workplace safety.

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