Aridness example sentences

Related (6): desert, drought, parchedness, barrenness, sterility, lifelessness.

"Aridness" Example Sentences

1. The aridness of the desert made it difficult for plants to grow.
2. The barren landscape was a testament to the aridness of the region.
3. The lack of rainfall in the area contributed to the aridness of the soil.
4. The aridness of the climate made farming a difficult endeavor.
5. Despite the aridness of the land, there were a few hardy shrubs that managed to survive.
6. The aridness of the terrain made it unsuitable for many types of animal life.
7. The aridness of the atmosphere made it difficult for astronomers to observe distant stars.
8. The aridness of the air made it feel as if one's skin was cracking.
9. The aridness of the environment was a constant reminder of the need for water conservation.
10. The aridness of the climate made it a challenge for people to stay hydrated.
11. The aridness of the landscape was in stark contrast to the lush forests nearby.
12. The aridness of the soil was a contributing factor to the erosion of the land.
13. The aridness of the region made it unsuitable for many types of crops.
14. The intense heat and aridness of the desert made it a difficult place to survive.
15. The rocky terrain and aridness of the landscape made it a popular spot for hiking enthusiasts.
16. The aridness of the climate meant that wildfires were a constant threat.
17. The aridness of the desert made it a harsh and unforgiving place to live.
18. The aridness of the air had a drying effect on the skin and eyes.
19. The aridness of the environment provided a unique challenge for those studying the biology of the region.
20. The aridness of the land was a symbol of the harsh conditions that pioneers had to endure.
21. The aridness of the landscape was a stark reminder of the effects of climate change.
22. The aridness of the soil made it difficult for plants to extract the necessary nutrients.
23. The aridness of the climate made it difficult for animals to find sources of water.
24. The aridness of the region made it a frequent setting in Western movies.
25. The aridness of the desert made it a challenging training ground for military troops.
26. The aridness of the environment was a factor in the extinction of certain species.
27. The aridness of the air made it difficult for people with respiratory issues to breathe.
28. The aridness of the soil meant that irrigation was necessary for successful farming.
29. The aridness of the climate made it an ideal location for solar power generation.
30. The aridness of the landscape was a source of inspiration for artists seeking to capture the beauty of the natural world.

Common Phases

1. The aridness of the desert leaves no room for vegetation;
2. The aridness of the soil made it difficult for anything to grow;
3. The aridness of the climate made it unbearable to be outside during the day;
4. The aridness of the region meant that water was scarce;
5. The aridness of her tone hinted at her displeasure;
6. The aridness of his writing style made it difficult to stay engaged.

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