Arras example sentences

Related (7): tapestry, hanging, drapery, textile, artwork, rug, coverlet

"Arras" Example Sentences

1. The wedding ceremony included the exchanging of arras as a symbol of their commitment.
2. The old vase was covered in beautiful arras tapestry, depicting a royal hunting scene.
3. I forgot to grab my arras purse before leaving for the party.
4. The balcony was decorated with plush arras curtains, adding a touch of elegance to the room.
5. The arras weave of the pillow cover was so intricate, it looked like a piece of art.
6. During the Renaissance, wealthy families would commission arras hangings to adorn their homes.
7. The bishop blessed the arras ring as a token of holy matrimony.
8. A pile of shiny arras coins glistened in the sunlight.
9. The elegant arras silk gown flowed gracefully down the aisle.
10. In Spanish tradition, the groom presents the arras to the bride as a pledge of his willingness to provide for their family.
11. The arras-inspired design on the carpet added a pop of color to the room.
12. The antique arras tapestry was carefully restored by an expert conservationist.
13. The intricate arras embroidery on the napkins caught the eye of every guest at the dinner party.
14. The arched doorway was framed by draping arras panels that gave the impression of grandeur.
15. The arras brocade fabric was handwoven, using a technique that has been passed down through generations.
16. The intricate arras design on the tablecloth was painstakingly crafted by a skilled artisan.
17. The royal palace was adorned with beautiful arras hangings that depicted scenes from ancient mythology.
18. The bride nervously clutched the arras box as the priest recited the traditional vows.
19. The curtains were drawn back to reveal a stunning view of the arras landscape in all its natural beauty.
20. The arras tapestry on the wall told the tale of a medieval knight's quest for redemption.
21. The bride and groom exchanged the arras and rings and sealed their union with a kiss.
22. The intricate arras patterns on the wallpaper added an element of sophistication to the room.
23. The aristocrat's luxurious cloak was lined with the softest arras fur.
24. The arras embroidered table runner added a bit of elegance to the dinner setting.
25. The arras pattern on the cushion cover was reminiscent of a bygone era.
26. The beautiful arras tapestry hanging in the gallery was created during the Renaissance period.
27. The rich arras velvet curtains reminded me of the ones my grandmother had in her living room.
28. The priest recited a prayer before the exchange of the arras as a symbol of the couple's willingness to support each other throughout their lives.
29. The arras covered the entire bed in a luxurious and elegant way.
30. The church was decked out in beautiful arras tapestries for the wedding ceremony.

Common Phases

1. Dar las arras en una boda;
2. Recibir las arras en una boda;
3. Las arras simbolizan compromiso y fidelidad;
4. Las arras son un regalo de los novios a la pareja;
5. Tradicionalmente se entregan trece arras;
6. Las arras son una costumbre en muchas culturas;
7. Las arras se mantienen como recuerdo de la ceremonia;
8. Las arras representan la prosperidad futura de la pareja;
9. Se cree que las arras protegen a la pareja de la pobreza;
10. La ceremonia de las arras suele realizarse después del intercambio de anillos.

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