Artilleryman example sentences

Related (4): cannoneer, gunner, bombardier, missileman

"Artilleryman" Example Sentences

1. The artilleryman aimed his cannon at the enemy lines.
2. The battlefield was filled with artillerymen firing their weapons.
3. The artilleryman wore heavy ear protection to shield himself from the loud blasts.
4. The artilleryman trained for years to perfect his aim and timing.
5. The artilleryman loaded the projectile into the cannon with practiced efficiency.
6. The artilleryman braved enemy fire to get to his post and start firing.
7. The artilleryman had to be careful not to overheat the barrel of the cannon.
8. The artilleryman was responsible for keeping track of ammunition and supplies.
9. The artilleryman communicated with the infantry to coordinate their efforts.
10. The artilleryman was often considered the king of the battlefield.
11. The artilleryman rotated positions with other crew members to avoid fatigue.
12. The artilleryman was constantly adjusting his aim to account for wind and other factors.
13. The artilleryman had to be careful not to hit friendly forces with stray shots.
14. The artilleryman used a range of different projectiles depending on the target and situation.
15. The artilleryman was often the first to engage the enemy and the last to leave the field.
16. The artilleryman was respected for his skill and bravery by the soldiers he supported.
17. The artilleryman had to work closely with his team to ensure the cannon was firing smoothly.
18. The artilleryman was a critical component of any successful military operation.
19. The artilleryman had to be prepared to fight on foot if necessary.
20. The artilleryman used advanced mathematics to calculate accurate firing solutions.
21. The artilleryman faced grueling physical conditions, including heat, cold, and rain.
22. The artilleryman used a variety of tools to maintain and repair the cannon as needed.
23. The artilleryman was always vigilant for opportunities to strike the enemy.
24. The artilleryman had a reputation for being stubborn and hard-headed.
25. The artilleryman was often covered in dirt and grime from his work on the battlefield.
26. The artilleryman used flares and other signals to communicate with his team at night.
27. The artilleryman had to be prepared for counter-battery fire from the enemy.
28. The artilleryman used his knowledge of ballistics to anticipate the path of his shots.
29. The artilleryman had to maintain a clear line of sight to the enemy for his shots to be effective.
30. The artilleryman was fiercely loyal to his unit and to his country.

Common Phases

you want me to just list common phrases using the word "artilleryman" separated by semicolons?
Sure, here are some examples:
- The artilleryman loaded the cannon; it was time to fire.
- The artilleryman aimed the gun; he took a deep breath and steadied himself.
- The artilleryman checked his equipment; everything seemed to be in order.
- The artilleryman shouted out commands; his crew sprang into action.
- The artilleryman coordinated with the infantry; together they planned their attack.
- The artilleryman trained for weeks; he was ready for battle.
- The artilleryman adjusted his sights; he wanted to hit the target dead on.
- The artilleryman worked tirelessly; his dedication to his craft was unwavering.
- The artilleryman cleaned his weapon; he took pride in keeping it in top condition.
- The artilleryman communicated with his team; they worked together as a well-oiled machine.

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