Astrolabes example sentences

Related (23): navigation, stars, celestial, altitude, sextants, astronomy, astrology, instruments, Islamic, medieval, Renaissance, Arabic, Greek, astrophysics, trigonometry, observatories, sun, moon, planets, zenith, latitude, longitude, horizons.

"Astrolabes" Example Sentences

1. Some of the oldest astrolabes date back to the Islamic Golden Age.
2. Astrolabes were used by ancient astronomers to measure the altitude of celestial bodies.
3. I have always been fascinated by astrolabes and their intricate designs.
4. The use of astrolabes declined with the advent of more advanced astronomical instruments.
5. Astrolabes were instrumental in helping sailors navigate the high seas.
6. The astrolabe was a key tool in the Muslim world's scientific advancements during the Middle Ages.
7. There are many astrolabes on display in museums around the world.
8. Astrolabes were once considered the height of sophistication in scientific equipment.
9. The astrolabe was considered a revolutionary instrument for navigation and mapping.
10. Astrolabes were often used for determining the position of the stars.
11. The ancients used astrolabes to map out the constellations in the night sky.
12. Astrolabes have been used for centuries to help navigate the seas and find accurate time and place.
13. The astrolabe is considered one of the most important scientific instruments of all time.
14. Astrolabes have long been a symbol of scientific and intellectual achievement.
15. There are many different types of astrolabes, some of which are quite rare.
16. The use of astrolabes helped ancient astronomers provide more accurate predictions of astronomical events.
17. Astrolabes were often made from brass or other durable materials to ensure their longevity.
18. The invention of the astrolabe was a major step forward in scientific discovery.
19. Many famous astronomers of the past used astrolabes in their work.
20. Astrolabes were often decorated with intricate designs and engravings.
21. The astrolabe was instrumental in measuring the positions of the stars and other celestial bodies.
22. Astrolabes were once considered a status symbol among astronomers and navigators.
23. The astrolabe changed the course of history by greatly improving navigation accuracy.
24. Many people collect astrolabes as a hobby or for their historical significance.
25. Astrolabes were considered to be more accurate than other navigational tools of the time.
26. The astrolabe helped ancient civilizations to better understand astronomy and the cosmos.
27. Astrolabes were sometimes passed down through families and generations.
28. The use of astrolabes greatly aided in the exploration and mapping of the world.
29. The development of astrolabes helped unlock many of the mysteries of the universe.
30. Modern replicas of astrolabes are now widely available for collectors and enthusiasts.

Common Phases

1. Astrolabes were used in ancient times to measure the positions of stars;
2. The astrolabe was a central tool in celestial navigation for sailors;
3. Astrolabes were also used to determine the times of prayer in Islamic culture;
4. Many museums exhibit astrolabes as examples of early scientific instruments;
5. Astrolabes were used by astronomers to study the movements of planets and celestial bodies.

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