Autocratical example sentences

Related (6): tyrannical, dictatorial, despotic, authoritarian, absolute, oppressive

"Autocratical" Example Sentences

1. The autocratical king ruled his kingdom with an iron fist.
2. Despite the protests of his subjects, the autocratical ruler refused to listen to their voices.
3. The autocratical CEO made all the decisions without consulting anyone else in the company.
4. Employees felt powerless under the autocratical management of their boss.
5. The autocratical dictator oppressed his people and took away their basic rights.
6. The autocratical leader of the cult demanded total control over his followers.
7. The autocratical regime suppressed any dissenting voices in the country.
8. The autocratical coach did not allow any input from his players and made all the decisions himself.
9. The autocratical teacher refused to listen to the opinions of his students.
10. The autocratical mayor had a reputation for ignoring the concerns of his constituents.
11. The company suffered under the autocratical leadership of its founder.
12. The autocratical boss was known for his temper and for intimidating his employees.
13. The autocratical government seized control of the media to control the narrative.
14. The autocratical monarch believed that he had a divine right to rule.
15. People living under autocratical governments often feel powerless to effect change.
16. The autocratical style of leadership does not lend itself to teamwork or collaboration.
17. Corporate culture suffered under the autocratical leadership of the CEO.
18. The autocratical manager was known for his micromanaging style.
19. The autocratical ruler refused to tolerate any dissent or criticism of his policies.
20. The autocratical culture of the company led to high turnover and low morale.
21. The autocratical ruler was feared and hated by many of his subjects.
22. The autocratical coach had a win-at-all-costs mentality that disregarded the well-being of his players.
23. The autocratical CEO was driven by a desire for personal power and control.
24. The autocratical leader saw compromise as weakness and refused to negotiate with his opponents.
25. The autocratical government viewed any questioning of its authority as subversive.
26. The autocratical teacher had a strict classroom policy that left little room for creativity.
27. The autocratical mayor ignored the needs of the community in favor of his own agenda.
28. The autocratical dictator had no tolerance for opposition and used violence to suppress it.
29. The autocratical regime silenced any voices that challenged its authority.
30. The autocratical CEO's leadership style stifled innovation and turned away talented employees.

Common Phases

1. The autocratical approach is often seen as rigid and inflexible;
2. Autocratical leaders tend to make decisions without consulting their team;
3. The autocratical style of leadership can create resentment among employees;
4. An autocratical leader may struggle to build strong relationships with team members;
5. Autocratical leadership can stifle creativity and innovation;
6. The autocratical approach may be effective in times of crisis, but can lead to long-term negative consequences.

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