Balefulness example sentences

Related (15): harmfulness, malevolence, malignancy, hostility, negativity, wickedness, spitefulness, venomousness, enmity, animosity, bitterness, viciousness, aggression, malice, cursedy.

"Balefulness" Example Sentences

1. The balefulness of the storm was evident as it battered the city.
2. The balefulness in her voice was unmistakable.
3. He felt a sense of balefulness as he approached the old, abandoned house.
4. The balefulness of the situation was impossible to ignore.
5. The balefulness of the dragon's gaze made the knights tremble with fear.
6. The balefulness of the criminal's eyes sent shivers down the witness' spine.
7. The balefulness of the dark forest filled him with dread.
8. The balefulness of the haunting melody haunted her dreams.
9. The balefulness of the enemy's army cast a pall over the kingdom.
10. The balefulness of the hyena's laughter sent a chill down his spine.
11. The balefulness of the old man's glare told him to get out of the store.
12. The balefulness of the dictator's regime was felt by every citizen.
13. The balefulness of the pirate's sword threatened everyone on the ship.
14. The balefulness of the serpent's hiss made the villagers flee in terror.
15. The balefulness of the storm clouds signaled an impending disaster.
16. The balefulness of the witch's curse plagued him for eternity.
17. The balefulness of the thunder shook the foundations of the house.
18. The balefulness of the killer's intent was clear in his eyes.
19. The balefulness of the undead horde filled the air with a sense of impending doom.
20. The balefulness of the fire engulfed everything in its path.
21. The balefulness of the tiger's roar made him freeze in fear.
22. The balefulness of the earthquake left a trail of destruction in its wake.
23. The balefulness of the vampire's gaze made him tremble with fear.
24. The balefulness of the witch's hex turned him into a toad.
25. The balefulness of the ogre's club sent his horse flying.
26. The balefulness of the demon's laugh echoed through the underworld.
27. The balefulness of the banshee's wail filled the night with terror.
28. The balefulness of the werewolf's howl sent chills down his spine.
29. The balefulness of the judge's verdict sentenced him to life in prison.
30. The balefulness of the gargoyle's eyes watched him from above.

Common Phases

1. The balefulness in her eyes sent shivers down my spine; it was clear she was not pleased.
2. The sky was filled with the balefulness of an impending storm; I didn't think we would make it home dry.
3. The balefulness of his expression made it clear that he was not one to be trifled with; I made sure to tread lightly around him.
4. The balefulness of the situation was palpable; we were stuck in the middle of nowhere with no food or water.
5. The balefulness of her tone made it clear that I had overstepped my bounds; I quickly apologized and retreated.

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