Beauty example sentences

Related (10): attractiveness, charm, elegance, gracefulness, loveliness, prettiness, radiance, handsomeness, pulchritude, comeliness

"Beauty" Example Sentences

1. She has an inner and outer beauty.
2. The garden was full of natural beauty.
3. The sunset was a thing of beauty.
4. The artwork displayed the artist's eye for beauty.
5. The flowers bloomed in all their spring beauty.
6. The meadow was carpeted in purple wildflowers in full bloom and very beautiful.
7. She walks with the grace and beauty of a queen.
8. The model captured all the natural beauty of the landscape.
9. The majestic mountains were beautiful in the golden morning light.
10. He saw the beauty of life in even the smallest of details.
11. The diamond necklace sparkled with rare and exquisite beauty.
12. The mountains stood tall in silent majestic beauty.
13. The snow-capped peaks were covered in magical winter beauty.
14. Her serene smile revealed the inner beauty of her soul.
15. The leaves danced in the wind, bathed in autumnal beauty.
16. The church stained glass windows glowed with colorful beauty.
17. She still saw her own beauty despite the wrinkles and gray hair.
18. I was stunned by the sheer visual beauty of the city at night.
19. The ballerina twirled on stage, exhibiting grace and divine beauty.
20. The view from atop the mountain took your breath away with its rugged beauty.
21. The music filled the air with melodic beauty.
22. Her flawless skin and silky hair rivaled the beauty of a supermodel.
23. The simple homemade gift displayed the beauty of sentiment over material things.
24. The dancer moved to the rhythm with sensual beauty.
25. The sight of the wildlife filled me with thoughts of natural beauty.
26. The poem portrayed a vivid picture of breathtaking beauty.
27. The rising sun painted a picture of grace and irresistible beauty.
28. They marveled at the sheer aesthetic beauty of the ornate cathedral.
29. She captured the raw natural beauty of the desert in her photographs.
30. The orchestra played with harmony and melodic beauty.
31. Her shy smile held so much warmth and inner beauty.
32. The whole valley stretched out before us in gorgeous natural beauty.
33. The ball gown shimmered with elegance and sophisticated beauty.
34. The bride walked down the aisle radiating inner and outward beauty.
35. She embraced her wrinkles and white hair as signs of lived experience and beauty.
36. The little girl marveled at the butterfly's colorful and fragile beauty.
37. His words reflected a truth and beauty found only in a pure soul.
38. The rose revealed its simple yet exquisite beauty in full bloom.
39. She saw the beauty in people through their imperfections.
40. The artwork was criticized for lacking technical skill but praised for its raw emotional beauty.
41. Her inner strength and wisdom revealed her true beauty.
42. The couple waltzed with grace and physical beauty.
43. The sunset spread its ethereal fiery beauty across the sky.
44. The poem captured the haunting beauty of sorrow and loss.
45. The fairytale painted a vivid picture of a different kind of beauty.
46. The piece of music evoked raw emotions and sublime beauty.
47. The child pointed out the simple beauty found in ordinary things.
48. The story celebrated the natural beauty found in imperfection and difference.
49. She was blessed with both inner and outer beauty.
50. The opera singer's voice conveyed grandeur, passion and ethereal beauty.
51. The ruins spoke of faded grandeur and forgotten beauty.
52. Her spirit revealed the true meaning of inner beauty.
53. The mountain vista stretched out before us in rugged, untouched beauty.
54. The jewelry sparkled with exquisite craftsmanship and artistic beauty.
55. The sculpture captured the elusive, fleeting beauty of a moment in time.
56. The poem celebrated the unique beauty found in every human being.
57. Her musical talent expressed a depth of emotional and spiritual beauty.
58. The play presented a darker view of human nature but still a resonant beauty.
59. The classic novel portrayed the timeless charm and beauty of a bygone era.
60. The artist's vision revealed an unconventional but striking new kind of beauty.

Common Phases

1. A thing of beauty
2. Inner beauty
3. Natural beauty
4. Outer beauty
5. Rare beauty
6. Raw beauty
7. Sheer beauty
8. Simple beauty
9. Timeless beauty
10. Unequaled beauty
11. Unparalleled beauty
12. Youthful beauty
13. Eye for beauty
14. Revel in (someone's) beauty
15. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder

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