Centennially example sentences

Related (3): anniversary, milestone, centenary

"Centennially" Example Sentences

1. The school celebrates its centennially anniversary with a grand gala.
2. She visits her hometown centennially to pay homage to her ancestors.
3. The museum features a centennially exhibition to showcase the city's history.
4. The company awards its top employees with centennially bonuses.
5. The city's centennially parade attracts tourists from all over the world.
6. The university offers a special scholarship to honor its centennially alumni.
7. The hotel prepares a centennially menu to commemorate its founding.
8. He plans to run a marathon centennially to maintain his fitness.
9. The family gathers centennially to celebrate the matriarch's birthday.
10. The park hosts a centennially festival to promote tourism in the area.
11. She donates a centennially portion of her income to charity.
12. He donates to his alma mater centennially to support its programs.
13. The library celebrates its centennially milestone by adding new books to its collection.
14. The church holds a centennially service to honor its founders.
15. The theater stages a centennially production of a classic play.
16. The city council dedicates a monument for its centennially celebration.
17. She performs a centennially tradition to thank the gods for her bountiful harvest.
18. The museum curator writes a centennially book on the city's art history.
19. The cultural center offers a centennially residency for artists from around the world.
20. The town square hosts a centennially fair to showcase local products.
21. She hosts a centennially dinner party to reconnect with old friends.
22. The historical society publishes a centennially journal to document the city's past.
23. The sports team dons a centennially uniform to commemorate its founding.
24. The university's centennially lecture features a renowned scholar as the keynote speaker.
25. The city's centennially fireworks display lights up the night sky.
26. The community center organizes a centennially volunteer day to give back to the community.
27. The choir performs a centennially song composed for the occasion.
28. The city's centennially time capsule is opened after being buried for a hundred years.
29. The family patriarch shares a centennially story passed down through generations.
30. The zoo introduces a centennially exhibit featuring exotic animals from around the world.

Common Phases

1. Our town celebrates its centennially with a parade and fireworks display; it's a big event that brings the community together.
2. The population of the world has grown exponentially centennially; it's important to consider the impact this has on our planet.
3. The Centennial Exhibition in Philadelphia in 1876 was a significant event that showcased important advances in technology and culture; it set the standard for many future world's fairs.
4. The ancient civilization of Egypt is known for its centennially flooding Nile River; this natural phenomenon provided the necessary water and silt for agriculture to flourish.
5. The United States Constitution has been amended centennially to reflect changing societal norms and values; some of these amendments were more controversial than others.

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