Chaplets example sentences

Related (9): rosaries, garlands, wreaths, coronets, tiaras, necklaces, crowns, headbands, loops

"Chaplets" Example Sentences

1. The bride wore a beautiful gown and a crown of chaplets on her wedding day.
2. The garden was full of chaplets made from different flowers.
3. The priest blessed the chaplets before the procession began.
4. The girls made chaplets from daisies and wore them in their hair.
5. The shopkeeper had a variety of chaplets for sale, made from different materials.
6. The tradition of making chaplets for the May Day celebration was still alive in the village.
7. The young girl was delighted with the chaplets her mother made for her birthday.
8. The altar was adorned with chaplets of orchids and roses.
9. The ancient Greeks used to wear chaplets as a sign of victory.
10. The chaplets were hung on the door to ward off evil spirits.
11. The children made chaplets of autumn leaves to decorate their classroom.
12. The image of the goddess was decorated with chaplets made of pearls and gold.
13. The procession was led by a woman carrying a basket full of chaplets.
14. The young woman wore a chaplet of roses around her neck.
15. On Easter Sunday, the church was decorated with chaplets made from colorful ribbon.
16. The chaplets worn by the dancers in the performance added to the beauty of the show.
17. The nuns made chaplets of prayer beads and sold them in the convent gift shop.
18. The bride and groom exchanged chaplets as a sign of their commitment to each other.
19. The chaplets were arranged in a circle around the statue of the Buddha.
20. The little girl collected flowers from the garden to make chaplets for her dolls.
21. The priest placed a chaplet on the coffin before the funeral service began.
22. The students learned how to make chaplets as part of their art class.
23. The queen appeared in public wearing a regal chaplet of diamonds and rubies.
24. The chaplets worn by the participants in the spring festival were brightly colored.
25. The chaplets were woven into intricate patterns by skilled artisans.
26. The devotees offered chaplets of tulsi leaves to the goddess as a symbol of their devotion.
27. The chaplets made of sea shells were a popular souvenir for tourists visiting the beach.
28. The wedding guests were given chaplets made from fresh lavender.
29. The chaplets hanging from the ceiling added to the ambience of the rustic restaurant.
30. The young man presented his girlfriend with a chaplet of red roses as a token of his love.

Common Phases

not include example sentences to break up phrases!
- Praying the rosary; offering a chaplet; contemplating the mysteries
- Devoting time to meditation; reciting chaplets; practicing mindfulness
- Connecting with the divine; reciting a chaplet; seeking enlightenment
- Honoring the saints; reciting a chaplet; seeking intercession
- Seeking inner peace; reciting a chaplet; letting go of worries
- Focusing on gratitude; reciting a chaplet; expressing thankfulness
- Seeking forgiveness; reciting the Divine Mercy chaplet; asking for mercy
- Fostering compassion; reciting a chaplet for the suffering; cultivating empathy
- Finding solace; reciting a chaplet; seeking comfort from the divine
- Cultivating spirituality; reciting a chaplet; deepening faith

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