Crofts example sentences

Related (9): farmhouses, cottages, fields, meadows, livestock, gardens, stables, barns, fences

"Crofts" Example Sentences

1. My grandparents lived in one of the oldest crofts in the village.
2. The land around me was dotted with small crofts.
3. The crofts were divided among the villagers based on the size of their families.
4. The farmer owned several small crofts scattered throughout the valley.
5. The crofts were well-maintained and produced a variety of crops.
6. The villagers relied on the crofts for their livelihoods.
7. He inherited a profitable croft from his father.
8. The family had been living on the same croft for generations.
9. The crofts were particularly vulnerable to storms and flooding.
10. The crofts were passed down from generation to generation.
11. The small crofts were ideal for subsistence farming.
12. The crofts were located at the bottom of the valley.
13. She spent most of her days working the family croft.
14. The crofts were clustered around the village church.
15. The crofts were home to a variety of animals, including sheep and cows.
16. The crofts were surrounded by rows of hedges and stone walls.
17. The villagers often held meetings at the local croft house.
18. The crofts were traditionally handed down to the eldest son.
19. The crofts were situated on the outskirts of the village.
20. The crofts were sold off to make way for a new housing development.
21. The crofts were carefully tended, with neat rows of vegetables and flowers.
22. The crofts were vital to the local economy.
23. The new landlord decided to merge several crofts into one large farm.
24. The crofts were an important source of food and income.
25. The croft house was a hub of activity, with villagers coming and going all day.
26. The crofts suffered from a lack of investment and modernization.
27. He rented a croft for the summer to escape the city.
28. The crofts were a reminder of the area's ancient agricultural heritage.
29. The crofts were scattered across the rolling hillsides.
30. The farmer relied on his crofts to support his large family.

Common Phases

1. The crofts are lush and green; they make for a beautiful scenery.
2. We passed by several crofts on our way to the village; they looked like cozy little homes.
3. The sheep were grazing peacefully in the croft; it was a tranquil sight.
4. The croft was surrounded by a quaint stone fence; it added to the charm of the place.
5. The croft was small but practical; it had everything we needed for a comfortable stay.
6. The crofts were situated on a hill overlooking the valley; the view was breathtaking.
7. The crofts were abandoned for years; they were in dire need of restoration.
8. The crofters were friendly and welcoming; they shared stories of their way of life.
9. The crofts were passed down from generation to generation; they held a lot of history.
10. The croft was located near the river; it provided excellent fishing opportunities.

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