Cruelsome example sentences

Related (8): brutal, heartless, merciless, inhumane, sadistic, barbaric, callous, ruthless

"Cruelsome" Example Sentences

1. The cruelsome dictator had no regard for human life.
2. She couldn't bear to watch the cruelsome treatment of the animals.
3. His cruelsome actions towards his employees led to several lawsuits.
4. The cruelsome bullying of the students caused the school to implement a strict anti-bullying policy.
5. The cruelsome hazing rituals of the fraternity were finally exposed.
6. The cruelsome torture tactics used by the interrogators were inhumane.
7. The cruelsome conditions in the prison were unbearable for the inmates.
8. The cruelsome treatment of the elderly in some nursing homes is a growing concern.
9. She was horrified by the cruelsome treatment of the refugees fleeing the war-torn country.
10. The cruelsome taunting of the girl caused her to develop low self-esteem.
11. The cruelsome abuse inflicted upon the child was heartbreaking.
12. The cruelsome experiments conducted on animals for cosmetic testing is unethical.
13. The cruelsome treatment of the employees by the boss led to high turnover rates.
14. The cruelsome punishment for stealing in some countries is amputation.
15. The cruelsome treatment of the LGBT community in some countries is appalling.
16. The cruelsome beatings of the protestors by the police sparked outrage.
17. The cruelsome actions of the serial killer shocked the nation.
18. The cruelsome treatment of the horses in the rodeo caused controversy.
19. The cruelsome destruction of the ecosystem led to the extinction of many species.
20. The cruelsome neglect of the pets by their owners resulted in many deaths.
21. The cruelsome cutting down of the rainforest caused irreversible damage.
22. The cruelsome living conditions of the workers in some factories sparked protests.
23. The cruelsome treatment of women in some societies is a violation of human rights.
24. The cruelsome circumcision practices in some cultures are outdated and dangerous.
25. The cruelsome practice of female genital mutilation is a form of violence against women.
26. The cruelsome treatment of prisoners of war is a violation of the Geneva Convention.
27. The cruelsome treatment of the mentally ill in some institutions is inhumane.
28. The cruelsome practice of bullfighting is banned in many countries.
29. The cruelsome treatment of the disabled in some societies is unacceptable.
30. The cruelsome slaughter of dolphins in Japan is condemned by animal rights activists.

Common Phases

not worry about punctuation or capitalization.
1. Their cruelsome treatment of the animals was heartbreaking;
2. His words were laced with cruelsome intent;
3. The cruelsome pageantry of the event was hard to ignore;
4. It was a cruelsome fate that awaited the prisoners;
5. The bully's cruelsome actions left lasting scars on his victims;
6. The cruelsome punishment seemed disproportionate to the crime;
7. The cruelsome dictator ruled with an iron fist;
8. She couldn't bear to watch the cruelsome scene unfold;
9. The cruelsome reality of the situation began to sink in;
10. The cruelsome jokes were not funny to anyone.

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