Denes example sentences

Related (5): grassland, meadow, prairie, steppe, savanna

"Denes" Example Sentences

1. I was at the denes with my dog when I saw the deer.
2. The denes were full of colorful wildflowers.
3. The river flowed through the denes, creating a beautiful landscape.
4. We went on a hike through the denes, enjoying the fresh air and sunshine.
5. The denes provided excellent cover for the wildlife.
6. The denes were home to many different types of birds.
7. The denes were a peaceful place to go for a walk.
8. We found a secret den in the denes where we could hide out.
9. The denes were a great place for a picnic with friends.
10. The denes were used for grazing cattle in the past.
11. The denes had a unique ecosystem, including rare plants and animals.
12. The denes were a popular spot for photographers looking to capture the natural beauty of the area.
13. We spent the afternoon exploring the denes, discovering new sights and sounds.
14. There was a strong smell of lavender in the denes, which was very calming.
15. The denes were a historically significant area, with many ruins and artifacts.
16. The denes were a popular destination for outdoor enthusiasts.
17. The denes provided an important habitat for endangered species.
18. The denes were an oasis of green in the middle of the city.
19. We visited the denes during the fall, when the leaves were changing colors.
20. The denes were a great place for children to learn about nature and explore the outdoors.
21. There was a small cottage in the denes where we could rest and enjoy the view.
22. The denes were a peaceful retreat from the busy city life.
23. The denes were an important part of the local culture and history.
24. We hiked to the top of the denes and were rewarded with a stunning view of the surrounding countryside.
25. There was a babbling brook running through the denes, adding to the scenery.
26. The denes were part of a protected natural area, ensuring their preservation for future generations.
27. The denes were a popular spot for wildflower enthusiasts who wanted to study and photograph the different species.
28. There were many winding paths in the denes, perfect for a leisurely stroll or a challenging hike.
29. The denes were home to many different types of trees, including oak, elm, and maple.
30. We spotted a rare butterfly species in the denes, making our hike even more special.

Common Phases

1. Denes is a good day to go for a walk in the park;
2. Denes is the day I have my weekly meeting with my team;
3. Denes is the deadline for submitting the report;
4. Denes is when I have my Spanish class;
5. Denes is when we usually have a family dinner;
6. Denes is the start of my vacation;
7. Denes is the day I need to do my grocery shopping;
8. Denes is when I have my doctor's appointment;
9. Denes is a good day to catch up on my reading;
10. Denes is when I plan to clean my house.

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