Desmarestia example sentences

Related (7): algae, kelp, brown, ocean, thallus, holdfast, photosynthesis

"Desmarestia" Example Sentences

1. The towering Desmarestia kerguelensis seaweed can reach up to six feet in length.
2. Desmarestia ligulata is commonly found in the coastal waters of Alaska.
3. The icy cold waters of the polar regions are the perfect environment for Desmarestia antarctica to thrive.
4. Did you know that Desmarestia viridis is also called the green brushweed?
5. Desmarestia aculeata is often referred to as the spiny brushweed because of its pointed tips.
6. The Desmarestia menziesii seaweed is known to contain high levels of antioxidants.
7. Desmarestia anceps is a brown seaweed found in the coastal waters of southern Chile.
8. Desmarestia pteridoides, also known as the fern-fronded acidweed, is a species of brown seaweed.
9. Desmarestia saundersii has been known to produce a toxic compound that can be harmful to marine life.
10. The bitter taste of Desmarestia viridis makes it unpalatable to most organisms.
11. Desmarestia acuminata is a common species of brown seaweed found in the North Atlantic and Arctic Oceans.
12. Desmarestia munda can be found in the intertidal zone, growing on rocks and other hard surfaces.
13. Desmarestia herbacea is a small, delicate seaweed that grows in the shallow waters of the North Atlantic.
14. The Desmarestia anceps seaweed is commonly used in traditional medicine in Chile and Peru.
15. Desmarestia ligulata is often eaten raw in salads or boiled and served as a side dish in Alaska.
16. The Desmarestia aculeata seaweed is a common source of alginic acid, used in various industrial applications.
17. Desmarestia latifrons is a species of brown seaweed found along the coast of California.
18. Desmarestia filiformis is a small, filamentous seaweed that grows in the Arctic.
19. The Desmarestia viridis seaweed is known to produce a compound that may have anti-cancer properties.
20. Desmarestia antarctica is an important food source for many species of marine animals, including krill.
21. The chemical composition of Desmarestia montagnei may be useful in the development of new pharmaceuticals.
22. Desmarestia acuminata is a significant contributor to the kelp forest ecosystem in the North Atlantic.
23. Desmarestia vivipara is unique in that it produces small, asexual reproductive structures known as propagules.
24. The spiny tips of Desmarestia munda are thought to help protect the seaweed from predation.
25. Desmarestia viridis is sometimes used in cosmetic products for its antioxidant properties.
26. Desmarestia anceps is often harvested as a source of iodine, an important nutrient for human health.
27. Desmarestia menziesii is often found in association with other brown seaweeds such as Macrocystis pyrifera.
28. Desmarestia antarctica has been found to contain high levels of essential amino acids, making it a valuable nutritional source for marine organisms.
29. Desmarestia aculeata is commonly used in traditional medicine in its native habitat in Japan.
30. Desmarestia ligulata is known to accumulate heavy metals, making it a useful bioindicator of pollution in coastal waters.
31. The fronds of Desmarestia pinnatifida are often used in Japanese cuisine, particularly in soups and salads.
32. Desmarestia antarctica has been shown to have antifungal properties, making it a potential source of new antibiotics.
33. Desmarestia ligulata is sometimes referred to as the Alaska seaweed because of its widespread distribution in the region.
34. Desmarestia acuminata is often used in the production of seaweed-based fertilizers.
35. Desmarestia antarctica is the most abundant species of seaweed in the coastal waters of Antarctica.
36. Desmarestia herbacea is sometimes used in the production of Irish moss, a thickening agent used in food and cosmetic products.
37. Desmarestia antarctica has been found to have potential as a source of biofuels due to its high lipid content.
38. Desmarestia ligulata is a source of vitamins C and A, as well as trace elements such as iron and magnesium.
39. Desmarestia viridis is often found growing on rocky substrates in the intertidal zone.
40. Desmarestia aculeata is sometimes used in the production of agar, a common gelatinous substance used in food and scientific applications.

Common Phases

1. Desmarestia viridis is a species of brown algae found in cold water ;
2. Desmarestia aculeata is a type of seaweed that is commonly harvested for its alginate content;
3. The Desmarestia genus is known for its ability to produce potent antifouling compounds;
4. One of the unique features of Desmarestia is its ability to survive in extreme environmental conditions;
5. Desmarestia menziesii is a type of kelp that is commonly used in traditional medicine for its anti-inflammatory properties.

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