Disproportionable example sentences

Related (5): incommensurate, unequal, imbalanced, excessive, disproportionate

"Disproportionable" Example Sentences

1. There seems to be a disproportionable amount of stress in your life currently.
2. The salaries of the employees were found to be disproportionable to their job responsibilities.
3. The artist created a piece of art that showed a disproportionable body structure.
4. It is important to ensure that the punishment given to a criminal is not disproportionable to the crime committed.
5. The amount of work assigned to the team was disproportionable to the time given to complete it.
6. The price of the new product was not disproportionable to its quality and features.
7. The politician was criticized for making disproportionable promises during the election campaign.
8. The test score of the student was disproportionable to the effort put in to study for it.
9. The meal portions served at the restaurant were disproportionable to the price charged.
10. The amount of resources used for the project was disproportionable to its potential outcome.
11. The teacher gave a disproportionable amount of homework to the students.
12. The car manufacturer was accused of creating disproportionable emissions that harmed the environment.
13. The celebrities' wealth was found to be disproportionable to their talent and contribution to society.
14. The company's profits were disproportionable to the wages paid to its workers.
15. The amount of attention given to certain news stories was disproportionable to other important events.
16. The weight limits on luggage at the airport were found to be disproportionable for some passengers.
17. The laws passed by the government were criticized for being disproportionable to the needs of the people.
18. The amount of caffeine in the energy drink was disproportionable to its recommended serving size.
19. The amount of cars on the road was disproportionable to the parking spaces available in the city.
20. The noise levels of the construction site were disproportionable to the nearby residents.
21. The amount of sugar in the dessert was disproportionable to its nutritional value.
22. The density of the population in the area was disproportionable to the available housing options.
23. The workload assigned to the new employee was disproportionable to their level of experience.
24. The scale of the event was disproportionable to the number of attendees.
25. The level of difficulty in the exam was disproportionable to the topics covered in class.
26. The number of security personnel at the airport was disproportionable to the threat level.
27. The size of the box used for shipping was disproportionable to the size of the product.
28. The amount of water used for irrigation was disproportionable to the amount needed for the crops.
29. The number of books in the library was disproportionable to the number of students in the school.
30. The price of the concert tickets was disproportionable to the popularity of the artist.

Common Phases

1. The response was disproportional to the situation;
2. The punishment seemed disproportional to the offense;
3. The company's profits were disproportional to its expenses;
4. The amount of work required was disproportional to the time allotted;
5. The resources allocated were disproportional to the project's scope;
6. The amount of attention received was disproportional to the effort put in.

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