Dolts example sentences

Related (5): idiot, moron, imbecile, fool, ignoramus

"Dolts" Example Sentences

1. The group of dolts couldn't even manage to tie their own shoelaces.
2. My boss is a complete dolt when it comes to technology.
3. The election results showed that the majority of voters were dolts.
4. I can't believe I have to work with these dolts all day.
5. The movie was ruined by a group of loud-mouthed dolts in the back row.
6. The dolt spilled coffee all over his shirt during the meeting.
7. Only a dolt would fall for such an obvious scam.
8. I refuse to take advice from a dolt like you.
9. The dolt couldn't even spell his own name correctly.
10. It was clear that the politician viewed his constituents as dolts who couldn't think for themselves.
11. The dolt driver cut me off in traffic without even looking.
12. It's shocking to see how many dolts are in positions of power in this company.
13. The dolt waiter spilled soup on my lap.
14. Despite their best efforts, the group of dolts could not solve the puzzle.
15. The dolt coach made several costly mistakes during the game.
16. As soon as I saw the dolts walking towards me, I knew trouble was coming.
17. The dolt student failed the test despite having extra help.
18. I can't believe I have to sit through this lecture with a room full of dolts.
19. The dolt engineer couldn't figure out how to fix the machine.
20. The dolt comedian's jokes fell flat with the audience.
21. The dolt customer couldn't understand the basic instructions.
22. The engineers were frustrated by having to work with a group of dolts.
23. The dolt receptionist couldn't even operate the phone system.
24. The group of dolts couldn't find their way out of the maze.
25. The dolt politician made several gaffes during the debate.
26. The dolt janitor accidentally spilled bleach all over the floor.
27. The group of dolts had no idea how to start the project.
28. The dolt manager micromanaged every aspect of the project.
29. The dolt tourist got lost in the city and had to be rescued by the police.
30. I cannot believe I have to share a workspace with such dolts.

Common Phases

1. What were those dolts thinking; they completely messed up the project!
2. I can't believe those dolts in HR; they didn't even screen the candidates properly.
3. Those dolts in Congress are at it again; can't they ever agree on anything?
4. Don't be such a dolt; you know better than to do that!
5. I'm surrounded by dolts; nobody seems to know how to solve this problem.
6. The dolts in charge are ruining everything; why can't they just listen to feedback?
7. It's amazing how many dolts there are in the world; they seem to be everywhere.
8. The team lost the game because of a few dolts; they couldn't follow the coach's instructions.
9. Why do I have to work with these dolts; their incompetence is holding me back.
10. The project failed because the dolts in management refused to listen to advice.

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