Elective example sentences

Related (1): option

"Elective" Example Sentences

1. I have an elective surgery scheduled for next month.
2. His academic advisor suggested taking an elective course for his minor.
3. The elective class on entrepreneurship was very popular among students.
4. She chose to take an elective in psychology in her senior year.
5. The elective assembly featured speeches from all of the candidates running for office.
6. He had to choose between two different elective options for his degree.
7. The school board voted to cancel the elective music program due to budget cuts.
8. Her elective course on art history inspired her to pursue a career in museums.
9. The student council organized an elective charity drive to raise money for a local food bank.
10. The elective class on film studies was taught by a well-known movie critic.
11. She decided to take an elective in creative writing to improve her storytelling skills.
12. The elective debate team competed in regional tournaments throughout the school year.
13. The school added a new elective curriculum of language classes to reflect the diversity of the student body.
14. He performed volunteer work as part of an elective community service program.
15. The elective course on international relations was taught by a former diplomat.
16. She decided to take an elective course on environmental science to learn more about conservation efforts.
17. The elective course on personal finance taught students how to manage their money wisely.
18. The school offered an elective course on culinary arts that was very popular among students.
19. He enrolled in an elective summer program abroad to improve his language skills.
20. The elective program on computer coding was created to prepare students for a career in technology.
21. She signed up for the elective course on yoga and meditation to improve her stress management skills.
22. The student government association organized an elective club fair to showcase different extracurricular activities.
23. The elective course on public speaking helped many students overcome their fear of public speaking.
24. He took an elective course on human anatomy as part of his pre-medical studies.
25. The school organized an elective field trip to a national park to learn about conservation efforts in nature.
26. She decided to take an elective photography class to explore her creativity.
27. The elective course on social media marketing was very relevant to students interested in entrepreneurship.
28. He took an elective class on graphic design to learn how to create visual content for websites and social media.
29. The school offered an elective course on journalism for students interested in writing and reporting.
30. She enrolled in an elective summer program in Paris to learn about French culture and language.

Common Phases

1. I have decided to take an elective course this semester;
2. My elective class is on cultural anthropology;
3. Choosing an elective has been difficult because there are so many interesting options;
4. I'm really excited to try something new and take an elective outside my major;
5. The elective I selected is a mix of science and art, which should be interesting;
6. I hope to gain some new skills and meet different people in my elective class;
7. There are limited spaces available in most of the popular elective courses;
8. My elective is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to study abroad in Brazil;
9. I'm using my elective credit to complete a minor in Spanish;
10. Taking an elective outside my comfort zone has helped me grow and learn.

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