Expiating example sentences

Related (6): atonement, redemption, penance, restitution, absolution, forgiveness

"Expiating" Example Sentences

1. He believed that expiating his sins through self-sacrifice would earn him forgiveness.
2. The monk spent his life expiating the sins of others through prayer and good works.
3. She saw volunteering as a way of expiating her past mistakes.
4. The soldier hoped that his bravery on the battlefield would be enough to expiate his guilt for causing civilian casualties in a previous mission.
5. Jones believed that his contribution to charity would expiate his wrongdoings.
6. The man was obsessed with expiating his past wrongdoings and became a hermit in the mountains to do so.
7. She hoped that her apology would be enough to expiate her mistake and restore their relationship.
8. The only way to expiate his mistake was to publicly admit his wrongdoing and make amends.
9. The politician attempted to expiate his scandal by resigning from his position and donating to charity.
10. The prisoner hoped that his time in jail would expiate his crimes and allow him to start anew.
11. The only way for him to expiate his guilt was to confess his sins to a priest and do penance.
12. The cult leader believed that by expiating their sins through a series of rituals, they could reach enlightenment.
13. Emily felt that volunteering was one way of expiating her privilege and giving back to those in need.
14. The man felt that donating his wealth was the only way to expiate his guilt for a lifetime of greed and selfishness.
15. She believed that expiating her sins required a complete change of lifestyle and a selfless approach to life.
16. The defendant attempted to expiate his crime by pleading guilty and accepting whatever punishment was given to him.
17. The young woman felt that her career in medicine was a way of expiating the guilt she felt over her father's death.
18. The company donated a large sum of money to charity in an attempt to expiate their unethical business practices.
19. He believed that only by expiating his sins could he be free of the burden of guilt and regret.
20. The elders of the village believed that expiating their sins through a ritual sacrifice would bring them good fortune.
21. She felt that expiating her sins required a confession of her darkest secrets.
22. The soldier hoped that by risking his life on the battlefield, he could expiate his cowardice in a previous mission.
23. The cult leader required his followers to perform extreme acts of self-sacrifice as a means of expiating their sins.
24. The man felt that by completing a grueling physical challenge, he could expiate his guilt for not being there for his family.
25. The only way to expiate his mistake was to make a public apology and accept the consequences of his actions.
26. She believed that expiating her sins meant making right every wrong she had committed in the past.
27. The guilty party felt that by self-flagellation, he could expiate his sin and earn redemption.
28. The prisoner hoped that by completing a rehabilitation program, he could expiate his crimes and turn his life around.
29. The monk believed that expiating his sins required a lifetime of living a selfless and meaningful existence.
30. The soldier hoped that by putting himself in harm's way on the battlefield, he could expiate his guilt for causing the deaths of his fellow soldiers.

Common Phases

1. I am expiating for my past mistakes; I hope to make amends for my actions.
2. Expiating my sins has become an important part of my daily routine; I feel at peace when I do.
3. Expiating my guilt is the first step towards healing; I need to forgive myself for what I have done.
4. By expiating my wrongdoings, I can live a more fulfilling life; I refuse to carry the burden of my mistakes forever.
5. Expiating my transgressions is a difficult but necessary process; I cannot move forward until I have made things right.

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