Frightn example sentences

Related (19): scary, terrorizing, alarming, intimidating, horrifying, petrifying, unnerving, spine-chilling, creepy, chilling, panic-inducing, hair-raising, bloodcurdling, eerie, daunting, startling, shocking, fearsome, phobia-provoking

"Frightn" Example Sentences

1. The loud noise from the construction site gave me a sudden frightning feeling.
2. I'm sorry if I sounded too frightning on the phone, I was just worried.
3. My aunt told me a frightning story about ghosts in the forest.
4. We watched a frightning horror movie last night and I didn't sleep well.
5. The sight of the huge spider was frightning to me.
6. I've been getting these frightning nightmares lately and I can't shake them off.
7. It was a frightning experience to get lost in the woods at night.
8. I never realized how frightning public speaking could be until I had to do it.
9. Hearing the news of the outbreak was really frightning for me.
10. The scream she let out in the middle of the night was absolutely frightning.
11. The haunted house tour was both exciting and frightning.
12. The thunderstorm outside was frightning my dog and he wouldn't come out of his hiding spot.
13. The doctor's diagnosis was very frightning and overwhelming.
14. Seeing someone break into our house was an extremely frightning experience.
15. The mere thought of falling from that high building was frightning.
16. Witnessing a car accident can be a very frightning experience.
17. The noise I heard in the middle of the night was quite frightning and I couldn't go back to sleep.
18. The sudden appearance of the snake was frightning and made me jump.
19. I can't stand watching the news because of all the frightning stories.
20. When I saw the bear out in the wilderness, I was completely frightned.
21. Hearing a creaking sound in an old house can be quite frightning.
22. The thought of losing my job is very frightning to me.
23. Being alone in a dark alley at night is a very frightning experience.
24. The mere thought of being stranded in the middle of the ocean is frightning to many.
25. Even though I've flown before, the thought of turbulence still frightens me.
26. My heart was pounding with fright when I saw the masked man walking towards me.
27. The thought of being lost in the desert is frightning and gives me anxiety.
28. Seeing the knife in his hand was frightning enough to make me run away.
29. The sudden appearance of a ghost completely frightned the group of people.
30. The movie was so frightning that I couldn't look at the screen at some points.

Common Phases

1. Frightened out of my wits;
2. Frightened to death;
3. Frightened as can be;
4. Frightened for my life;
5. Frightened beyond belief;
6. Frightened half to death;
7. Frightened out of my skin;
8. Frightened out of my mind;
9. Frightened out of my senses;
10. Frightened stiff.

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