Gorgone example sentences

Related (10): Medusa, serpent, monster, petrify, snake-haired, mythological, deity, gaze, Perseus, shield.

"Gorgone" Example Sentences

1. Perseus was tasked with slaying the gorgone Medusa.
2. The ancient Greeks believed that gorgones were terrifying creatures with hair made of snakes.
3. The mere thought of encountering a gorgone sent chills down Perseus' spine.
4. Athena gifted Perseus with a mirrored shield to aid him in his battle against the gorgone.
5. Many brave warriors set out to defeat the gorgone, but none had succeeded until Perseus.
6. The gorgone's stone gaze was said to be its deadliest weapon.
7. According to legend, the gorgone's blood gave rise to poisonous serpents.
8. The image of a gorgone's face was frequently used on Greek pottery and jewelry.
9. The mere sight of a gorgone would cause even the bravest warrior to turn and run.
10. The snarling visage of a gorgone was said to be etched into Perseus' shield.
11. The gorgone's hair writhed and wriggled like a nest of vipers.
12. As soon as Perseus saw the looming silhouette of the gorgone, he braced himself for a fight.
13. The gorgone's eyes glowed red in the dim light of the cave.
14. The sound of the gorgone's hissing voice sent chills down Perseus' spine.
15. The severed head of the gorgone was said to retain its petrifying powers even after death.
16. The mere mention of the gorgone's name was enough to strike fear into the hearts of mortals.
17. The gorgone Medusa is perhaps the most famous of her kind.
18. The hero Jason encountered a gorgone named Euryale during his voyage on the Argo.
19. Gorgones were believed to exist in a realm beyond mortal ken.
20. The gorgone's lair was said to be filled with petrified victims.
21. It was said that the gorgone liked to play games with its prey before striking.
22. Many Greek cities built shrines and temples dedicated to the gorgone as a way of warding off evil.
23. The head of the gorgone was depicted on the aegis, the shield of Zeus.
24. Some versions of the gorgone myth paint her as a victim of rape and subsequent punishment.
25. The gorgone's breath was said to be poisonous.
26. The gorgone was often associated with the concept of the evil eye.
27. Tales of the gorgone were passed down through generations of Greek storytellers.
28. As he fought the gorgone, Perseus felt a sense of righteous anger building within him.
29. The gorgone was often depicted with strong, sinewy muscles and a fierce expression.
30. Perseus emerged victorious from his battle with the gorgone, earning him the admiration of his peers.

Common Phases

1. The Gorgone's stare was enough to turn him to stone;
2. They likened her voice to that of a Gorgone, powerful and unyielding;
3. The forest was said to hold a Gorgone's lair, guarded by deadly traps;
4. It was rumored that the Gorgone's venom held the key to eternal youth;
5. His fear of encountering a Gorgone made him wary of exploring the ancient ruins.

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