Hanselling example sentences

Related (3): gingerbread, breadcrumbs, trail

"Hanselling" Example Sentences

1. The children were happily hanselling along the trail.
2. The witch attempted to hansel Hansel and Gretel in the gingerbread house.
3. The little boy was thrilled to go hanselling with his parents.
4. Hanselling in the forest was always an adventure for the children.
5. The siblings were hanselling and collecting pebbles to find their way back.
6. The old woman had a sweet tooth and loved to watch the children hansel around.
7. Even though it was snowing, the kids were excited to hansel through the winter wonderland.
8. The fairy tale had a happy ending, and the children returned home safely after hanselling through the forest.
9. The witch regretted trying to hansel the two siblings when they outwitted her.
10. The little girl loved to dress up as a fairy and go hanselling with her friends.
11. The children were smart enough to use breadcrumbs for hanselling instead of stones.
12. The witch was known to lure children into the forest for hanselling so she could cook and eat them.
13. The story of Hansel and Gretel is a classic tale of children hanselling through a dangerous forest to find their way home.
14. The kids were having so much fun hanselling that they didn't realize how far they had wandered.
15. The witch's plan to hansel the children backfired, and they escaped her grasp.
16. The two children were scared as they hanselled through the dark and eerie forest.
17. Hanselling was a good way for the siblings to bond and have fun together.
18. The witch had many tricks up her sleeve to try to hansel the children.
19. The children were hungry and tired after hanselling for hours but finally found their way back.
20. The witch was surprised when the children used her breadcrumbs for hanselling.
21. The little girl was excited to go hanselling and bring back treats for her family.
22. Even though the witch was scary, Hansel and Gretel still had fun hanselling through the forest and outsmarting her.
23. The dark forest was the location of many hanselling tales, and parents warned their children to stay away.
24. The children were in awe of the gingerbread house they found while hanselling through the woods.
25. The witch's plan to hansel the children was foiled by the cunning Gretel.
26. The siblings were lost and scared after hanselling too far from home.
27. Hanselling was a dangerous adventure, but the children were brave and resourceful.
28. The witch was cunning, but Hansel and Gretel were even smarter, and they outwitted her while hanselling through the forest.
29. Many parents banned their children from hanselling alone because it was such a risky activity.
30. The children were thrilled to discover the house made entirely of candy while hanselling.
31. The witch had a reputation for hanselling children and had done it many times before.
32. The siblings were relieved when they finally saw their house after hanselling for hours.
33. The story of Hansel and Gretel taught children to be careful while hanselling and not trust strangers.
34. The children were glad they brought enough breadcrumbs for hanselling because they didn't want to get lost.
35. The witch was so focused on hanselling the children that she didn't notice her own demise.
36. The siblings were constantly bickering, but hanselling brought them closer together.
37. The old woman was notorious for hanselling any child who came near her forest home.
38. Hanselling through the forest was always their favorite activity during the fall season.
39. The children were so focused on hanselling that they didn't realize they had disturbed a bird's nest.
40. The siblings were exhausted after hanselling all day but happy to be back home.

Common Phases

- He was the one who constantly hanselled me to do my homework;
- She kept hanselling him to propose;
- The kids were hanselling their parents for ice cream;
- The salesman hanselled the customer to buy the car;
- I had to hansell my boss for a raise;
- My friends hanselled me to come to the party;
- The coach hanselled us to give it our all;
- The teacher hanselled the students to study harder.

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