Innervate example sentences

Related (8): stimulate, activate, excite, energize, enliven, invigorate, animate, electrify

"Innervate" Example Sentences

1. The neural fibers innervate the muscles.
2. The motor neurons innervate the diaphragm to control breathing.
3. The parasympathetic nervous system innervates internal organs and glands.
4. The sensory nerves innervate the skin to detect sensations like touch and pain.
5. The peripheral nervous system innervates all of the structures outside of the central nervous system.
6. The cranial nerves innervate structures in the head and neck.
7. The facial nerve innervates muscles of the face.
8. The oculomotor nerve innervates several muscles that control eye movement.
9. Glossopharyngeal nerve fibers innervate most of the pharynx.
10.The vagus nerve innervates structures in the thorax and abdomen.
11. Nerves must innervate muscle fibers for them to contract.
12. Spinal nerves innervate skeletal muscles to allow for movement.
13.To function properly, organs must be innervated by the nervous system.
14.Most glands are innervated by both sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves.
15. Nerve impulses travel along neural fibers that innervate skeletal muscle.
16. Sensory fibers innervate the skin to relay information about touch and temperature.
17. Axons of motor neurons innervate muscles to stimulate contraction.
18.Many visceral organs lack sensory innervation.
19. Sympathetic fibers innervate peripheral blood vessels to regulate blood flow.
20.Some peripheral nerves bifurcate to innervate two different structures.
21. Sensory receptors are innervated by sensory fibers of peripheral nerves.
22. The sciatic nerve branches to innervate parts of the lower limb.
23. Plexuses form where nerves branch and combine to innervate specific regions.
24. The brachial plexus innervates most of the structures in the upper limb.
25. Spinal roots form from neurons that innervate dermatomes.
26. Damage to a nerve can prevent it from properly innervating tissues.
27. Surgical procedures may require severing nerves that innervate structures.
28. Revitalizing treatments aim to reinnervate tissues that have been denervated.
29. Nerve regeneration can allow reinnervation of organs after injury.
30. Sprouting axons reinnervate denervated tissues during the healing process.
31. Neurons must reach their target tissues and innervate them to function properly.
32. Ganglia contain neuron cell bodies that give rise to axons that innervate structures.
33. Regenerating axons sprout and innervate target tissues by following guidance cues.
34. Physical therapy can help redevelop connections and reinnervate muscles.
35. Nerve grafts aim to bridge gaps and allow nerves to reinnervate target tissues.
36.Effective pain treatment requires properly innervating nociceptors.
37.Endocrine cells can only secrete hormones if properly innervated.
38. Implants aim to avoid injuring nerves that innervate organs and extremities.
39. Signals from nociceptors that are innervated can trigger pain perception.
40. Sensory nerve fibers innervate muscle spindles to detect changes in muscle length.
41.Autonomic ganglia contain neurons that innervate organs without conscious control.
42. Muscle spasms can result from improper innervation by motor neurons.
43. Proprioceptors are innervated by sensory fibers to relay position sense information.
44. Muscles require proper motor innervation to contract in a coordinated manner.
45. The hypoglossal nerve innervates the muscles of the tongue.
46. Vagus nerve stimulation treatments aim to reinnervate organs and glands.
47. Carpal tunnel syndrome involves compression of nerves that innervate the hands.
48. Demyelination of axons can impair neuronal signaling and proper innervation.
49.Autografts aim to reinnervate tissues using the patient's own nerves and tissues.
50. Allografts may be used to bridge gaps and allow nerves to reinnervate targets.
51.Implanted stimulators can activate innervated organs and tissues electrically.
52.Prosthetics aim to interface with nerves that properly innervate missing limbs.
53.Neuromodulation treatments electrically stimulate innervated nerves and tissues.
54. Nerve transfers can reinnervate paralyzed muscles using functional donor nerves.
55. Nerve transfers aim to reroute innervation to allow functional recovery.
56. Nerve transfers surgically connect a proximal donor nerve that innervates an unused muscle to reinnervate a paralyzed muscle.
57. Regeneration of sensory nerves allows for reinnervation of proprioceptors and nociceptors.
58. Physical therapy aims to strengthen reinnervated muscles and improve function.
59. Medications can help reduce inflammation and promote regeneration and reinnervation after nerve injury.
60. Stem cell treatments aim to promote nerve regeneration and reinnervation after damage.

Common Phases

1. Innervated by - Used to describe a structure that receives innervation from a nerve.
Example: The muscle is innervated by motor neurons from the spinal cord.
2. Innervates the - Describes a nerve that provides innervation to a structure.
Example: The facial nerve innervates the muscles of the face.
3. Reinnervate/Reinnervation - Renewed innervation of a structure after damage.
Example: Nerve regeneration allows for reinnervation of muscles after injury.
4. Denervated/Denervation - Loss of innervation to a structure.
Example: Spinal cord injury can cause denervation of muscles.
5. Provide innervation to - Supply nerves to a structure.
Example: The sciatic nerve provides innervation to muscles of the lower limb.
6. Serves to innervate - Functions to supply nerves to.
Example: The oculomotor nerve serves to innervate several eye muscles.
7. Relies on innervation from - Depends on nerves supplied by.
Example: Muscle contraction relies on innervation from motor neurons.
8. Lack innervation - Do not receive nerves or a nerve supply.
Example: Many internal organs lack sensory innervation.
9. Restore innervation - Reestablish a nerve supply.
Example: Nerve grafts can attempt to restore innervation after injury.
10. Sensory innervation - Innervation by sensory or afferent nerves.
Example: Proprioceptors require proper sensory innervation.

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