Jinni example sentences

Related (14): genie, spirit, fairy, demon, supernatural, mythical, wish-granter, legend, folklore, Arabic, Islamic, Persia, magic, mystic.

"Jinni" Example Sentences

1. The jinni appeared out of thin air, ready to grant Kamal's wish.
2. A group of children huddled around the campfire, exchanging stories about jinni and other supernatural creatures.
3. Fatima believed that a jinni was responsible for the strange noises she heard in her room at night.
4. As the sun began to set, the jinni retreated back into the bottle that it had been trapped in.
5. The protagonist of the story stumbled upon a magic lamp and out popped a jinni who promised to make all their dreams come true.
6. The wise old woman warned the villagers to be cautious of the jinni who lived in the nearby forest.
7. Malik was convinced that a jinni was responsible for the inexplicable disappearance of his prized possession.
8. The jinni appeared before Ali and gave him three wishes to make.
9. Some people believe that jinnis are evil by nature, whereas others think that they can be benevolent if treated with respect.
10. According to folklore, jinnis have the ability to shape-shift and can take on the form of animals or even humans.
11. A gust of wind swept through the room, and in a split second, a jinni materialized in front of Sarah.
12. The jinni had been trapped in the cursed bottle for centuries, waiting for someone to release it and grant it freedom.
13. As the jinni granted the wish, it warned the person of the consequences that would come with their newfound desire.
14. The villagers knew better than to wander too deep into the forest, lest they fall prey to the jinni's wrath.
15. The jinni's powers were limited; it could only grant a wish once every hundred years.
16. Desperate for a way out of his problems, Yusuf turned to the ancient legends of jinni for help.
17. The jinni was rumored to have the power to control the elements and create havoc wherever it went.
18. In some cultures, jinnis are considered to be protectors and are often associated with good fortune.
19. The curious traveler stumbled upon a lamp in the desert and was shocked when a jinni appeared before them.
20. Despite the warnings of others, Omar boldly approached the jinni and asked for a favor.
21. The jinni's piercing gaze seemed to see right through Mina, and she couldn't help but feel a shiver run down her spine.
22. Hiba had always been fascinated by tales of jinnis and their magical powers.
23. The jinni offered the group of travelers a ride across the desert on its back.
24. The jinni could sense the fear in the man's eyes as he made his final wish and disappeared back into the bottle.
25. In some cultures, jinnis are seen as tricksters who delight in causing mischief and confusion.
26. The jinni vanished in a bright flash, leaving behind only a pile of dust where it had stood.
27. The children giggled and whispered as they told ghost stories about jinnis that had haunted their village for generations.
28. An old man who claimed to have met a jinni once told the mesmerized crowd his incredible tale of adventure and magic.
29. The jinni's voice echoed throughout the empty room, warning the person to be careful what they wished for.
30. The jinni's eyes glowed with an otherworldly light, and its smile revealed a mouthful of razor-sharp teeth.

Common Phases

1. The jinni granted my wish; I couldn't believe it came true so easily.
2. Every night, before going to bed, I pray to Allah to protect me from jinnis; I've heard so many frightening stories about them.
3. The old man claimed he had control over the jinnis; many people in the village revered him for it.
4. My sister swears she saw a jinni in her room last night; I told her it was probably just her imagination.
5. The jinni whispered in my ear, promising to give me anything I desired; I knew I shouldn't trust it, but I couldn't resist the temptation.
6. A group of young boys dared each other to enter the abandoned house, rumored to be haunted by jinnis; none of them had the nerve to go inside.
7. Legend has it that if you catch a jinni in a bottle, it will grant you three wishes; I've been searching for one my entire life.
8. The jinni appeared before me in a cloud of smoke; I couldn't believe this was actually happening.
9. My grandmother told me to recite specific verses from the Quran to ward off any evil jinnis; I've been doing it ever since.
10. Some people believe that jinnis possess supernatural powers; others dismiss them as mere superstition.

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