Kosherness example sentences

Related (2): Kosher, Kashrut

"Kosherness" Example Sentences

1. The rabbi inspected the kitchen to ensure its kosherness.
2. The menu for the Jewish holiday dinner strictly adhered to the laws of kosherness.
3. The kosher deli only sold food items that met the standards of kosherness.
4. Some Jews believe that the kosherness of their food contributes to their spiritual purity.
5. The rabbi provided a lecture on the importance of kosherness in modern Jewish life.
6. The Jewish community center offered a course on the proper ways to maintain kosherness in the home kitchen.
7. The local grocery store recently added a section for kosherness-approved products.
8. Some Jews observe the laws of kosherness even when eating outside of their home or community.
9. The bride and groom made sure that the catering company they hired understood the importance of kosherness at their Jewish wedding.
10. The rabbi gave the thumbs up to the newly renovated synagogue kitchen for its kosherness.
11. Some Jewish families take vacations in places where they can easily find and maintain kosherness.
12. The Jewish dietary restrictions are often centered around the concept of kosherness.
13. Some non-Jewish individuals also choose to follow the rules of kosherness for health or spiritual reasons.
14. The Jewish community was outraged when a non-kosher restaurant opened next door to their kosher deli.
15. The Jewish dietary laws regarding kosherness are based on a mixture of scripture and tradition.
16. The rabbi reminded his congregation that kosherness extends beyond food and includes ethical behavior.
17. Some Jews will only eat food that is prepared by someone who strictly observes the laws of kosherness.
18. The guidebook for the Jewish neighborhood included a list of restaurants that are known for their kosherness.
19. The Jewish summer camp instructed all campers and staff on maintaining kosherness during meals and snacks.
20. The kosherness of sushi is a topic of debate among Jews who enjoy Japanese cuisine.
21. Some Jews who observe kosherness will only drink wine that is certified kosher.
22. The Jewish dietary laws related to kosherness have been adapted over time to fit modern practices and cuisines.
23. A Jewish family may choose to keep two sets of dishes in their home – one for kosherness and one for non-kosher foods.
24. The butcher shop only sold meat that has been certified for its kosherness.
25. The Jewish student organization on campus hosted a screening of a documentary about the importance of kosherness.
26. The kosherness of certain food products, such as gelatin and enzymes, is sometimes questionable.
27. Some Jews may choose to avoid certain foods that are technically kosherness-approved but viewed as ethically problematic.
28. The Jewish guests at the interfaith wedding were pleased to see that the reception dinner had multiple options for achieving kosherness.
29. The rabbi provided resources for his congregants on how to maintain kosherness while traveling over Passover.
30. The kosherness of food prepared by non-Jewish individuals is a controversial topic among the Jewish community.

Common Phases

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