Lesbianism example sentences

Related (2): homosexuality, sapphism

"Lesbianism" Example Sentences

1. Lesbianism is often misunderstood and stereotyped by society.
2. Sarah proudly embraces her lesbianism and advocates for LGBTQIA+ rights.
3. It's important to recognize that lesbianism is a valid and natural sexual orientation.
4. The film explored the complexities of lesbianism in a conservative society.
5. Mary struggled with coming out and accepting her lesbianism due to cultural and religious beliefs.
6. The book was a groundbreaking exploration of lesbianism in literature.
7. Many lesbian women face discrimination and exclusion due to their lesbianism.
8. Sophie's family initially struggled to come to terms with her lesbianism but eventually accepted and supported her.
9. The article delves into the history of lesbianism in art and culture.
10. Laura explored her lesbianism through online forums before coming out to her friends and family.
11. Some people use derogatory language to refer to lesbianism, which perpetuates harmful stereotypes.
12. The documentary highlighted the challenges faced by lesbian women in countries where lesbianism is illegal.
13. Alicia struggled with accepting her lesbianism for years before finding a supportive community.
14. The novel challenged traditional views of love and relationships by portraying a lesbianism storyline.
15. The organization provides resources and support for women who have questions or concerns about their lesbianism.
16. The show received backlash for its portrayal of lesbianism as a deviant behavior.
17. Camille felt isolated and alone due to her lesbianism until she found a community of like-minded individuals.
18. The film director faced criticism and controversy for her explicit depiction of lesbianism in the movie.
19. Despite progress in acceptance, many lesbian women around the world still face persecution and violence due to their lesbianism.
20. The conversation around lesbianism in mainstream media has grown in recent years, shedding light on the experiences of LGBTQIA+ individuals.
21. The novel explores the intersectionality of race and lesbianism, which is often overlooked in mainstream media.
22. The therapist provided a safe space for Megan to explore her feelings about her lesbianism and how it affected her relationships.
23. Some people wrongly believe that lesbianism can be "fixed" or "cured" through conversion therapy, which is a harmful and unethical practice.
24. The play showcased the diversity and complexity of lesbianism among different generations and cultures.
25. The actress received critical acclaim for her authentic portrayal of a lesbian woman struggling to come to terms with her lesbianism.
26. The song touched on themes of self-discovery and self-acceptance, particularly in regards to lesbianism.
27. The gallery featured a collection of art pieces dedicated to celebrating and exploring lesbianism.
28. The school counselor provided resources and support for a student who had recently come out about her lesbianism.
29. The conversation around lesbianism is important because it reflects the need for diversity and representation in media and society as a whole.
30. The online forum provided a platform for individuals to share their experiences and stories about their lesbianism.

Common Phases

1. Many people misunderstand and stereotype lesbianism; it is important to educate oneself and approach the topic with an open mind.
2. She often struggled with coming to terms with her feelings of lesbianism; it took time for her to fully accept herself and begin living authentically.
3. Some people believe that lesbianism is a choice or a phase; this is not true and can be harmful to those who identify as lesbian.
4. Discrimination against and invalidation of lesbianism still exist in many societies; it is important to speak out against these injustices and advocate for equality.
5. Lesbianism is a beautiful and valid way of loving and being loved; it should be celebrated and embraced rather than shamed or stigmatized.

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