Megabusinesses example sentences

Related (5): corporations, conglomerates, mega-corporations, juggernauts, behemoths.

"Megabusinesses" Example Sentences

1. Megabusinesses are dominating the market with their vast resources and influence.
2. The megabusinesses in the tech industry are constantly innovating and pushing boundaries.
3. As megabusinesses continue to expand globally, they face more scrutiny from international regulators.
4. Small businesses often struggle to compete with megabusinesses' economies of scale.
5. Megabusinesses have the power to shape public opinion through their massive advertising campaigns.
6. The rise of megabusinesses has led to the consolidation of entire industries.
7. Potential employees are often drawn to megabusinesses for their reputation and brand recognition.
8. Megabusinesses are investing heavily in artificial intelligence and machine learning technology.
9. The top megabusinesses are frequently featured in Forbes' annual "World's Billionaires" list.
10. Critics argue that megabusinesses have too much control over government policies.
11. Megabusinesses like Amazon and Walmart are contributing to the decline of brick and mortar retail stores.
12. Many megabusinesses have been accused of exploiting low-paid workers in developing countries.
13. As megabusinesses grow larger, they become more vulnerable to cyber attacks.
14. Megabusinesses are often able to demand favorable terms from their suppliers due to their market power.
15. Megabusinesses are major contributors to climate change, but are also leading the way in renewable energy investment.
16. Megabusinesses like Microsoft and Google are heavily invested in quantum computing research.
17. The top megabusinesses are highly diversified, with subsidiaries in a variety of industries.
18. Investors often favor megabusinesses due to their perceived stability and potential for long-term growth.
19. Megabusinesses' lobbying efforts often have a significant impact on government policies and regulations.
20. The intense competition between megabusinesses like Apple and Samsung drives rapid technological advancement.
21. Some experts are predicting that megabusinesses will eventually be surpassed by smaller, more agile companies.
22. The concentration of wealth in a few megabusinesses has fueled concerns about economic inequality.
23. Megabusinesses often have their pick of talented candidates when recruiting new employees.
24. The power of megabusinesses is such that they can essentially dictate the direction of entire industries.
25. Many megabusinesses are based in Silicon Valley, due to its strong tech and startup culture.
26. Megabusinesses like Facebook and Twitter have played a pivotal role in shaping public discourse.
27. As megabusinesses continue to expand their reach, they must navigate complex international tax laws.
28. The rapid growth of megabusinesses has led to concerns about their impact on traditional jobs and industries.
29. Megabusinesses often wield significant influence over media outlets through advertising partnerships.
30. Rising interest rates could pose a challenge for megabusinesses relying heavily on debt financing.
31. Public relations crises can have a devastating impact on megabusinesses' reputations and bottom line.
32. The most successful megabusinesses are able to adapt to changing market conditions and consumer behavior.
33. Many megabusinesses are investing heavily in clean technology, such as electric vehicles and renewable energy.
34. Governments around the world are enacting new regulations aimed at curbing the power of megabusinesses.
35. Some people argue that megabusinesses like Amazon have too much control over the retail industry.
36. Megabusinesses like Apple and Google have achieved near-monopoly status in their respective industries.
37. The market power of megabusinesses has raised concerns about the erosion of competition and consumer choice.
38. Some politicians are calling for measures to break up the largest megabusinesses to promote healthy competition.
39. Megabusinesses like ExxonMobil and BP are among the largest contributors to carbon emissions.
40. Despite their immense size and power, megabusinesses are still vulnerable to disruption from innovative upstarts.

Common Phases

1. Megabusinesses dominate the global market; their sheer size gives them a competitive edge.
2. Many megabusinesses invest heavily in research and development; this helps them stay ahead of the competition.
3. Megabusinesses often have complex supply chains; managing these effectively is essential for success.
4. Corporate social responsibility is becoming increasingly important for megabusinesses; they must show they are committed to making a positive impact.
5. Megabusinesses have a significant impact on the economy; their success can lead to job creation and economic growth.
6. Technology is transforming megabusinesses; those that fail to adapt risk falling behind.
7. Megabusinesses can wield significant political influence; this can be both positive and negative.
8. The growth of megabusinesses has led to concerns about monopolies; some argue that they stifle competition and innovation.
9. Megabusinesses often face criticism for their treatment of employees; ensuring fair and ethical practices is crucial.
10. Megabusinesses operate on a global scale; this presents unique challenges in terms of navigating different cultures and regulations.

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