Nawabs example sentences

Related (1): Awadh

"Nawabs" Example Sentences

1. The city was once ruled by the nawabs, who were known for their lavish lifestyle.
2. The nawabs were known for their excellent taste in food and maintained a large kitchen staff.
3. The palaces of the nawabs were grand and opulent, with intricate architecture and beautiful gardens.
4. The nawabs were patrons of the arts and supported musicians, dancers, and poets.
5. The nawabs were known for their royal attire, with rich fabrics and intricate embroidery.
6. The nawabs had a vast collection of jewels and precious stones, which were displayed during special occasions.
7. The nawabs would often hold grand gatherings and celebrations, inviting guests from far and wide.
8. The nawabs were also known for their horse breeding and held horse races and polo matches.
9. The nawabs built magnificent forts and citadels to protect their kingdoms.
10. The nawabs were skilled administrators and established a robust bureaucracy.
11. The nawabs were devout Muslims and built beautiful mosques and shrines.
12. The nawabs would often go on hunting expeditions, accompanied by their entourage.
13. The nawabs were known for their hospitality and would often invite strangers to their table.
14. The nawabs were great lovers of music and would organize concerts for their guests.
15. The nawabs held court every day, where people could present their grievances.
16. The nawabs were known for their keen sense of justice and would often settle disputes impartially.
17. The nawabs were patrons of education and established several schools and colleges.
18. The nawabs would often participate in charitable works, donating to the poor and needy.
19. The nawabs were astute businessmen and controlled the trade routes leading to their kingdoms.
20. The nawabs were connoisseurs of fine arts and would amass a grand collection of paintings and sculptures.
21. The nawabs were skilled warriors and would often lead their armies in battle.
22. The nawabs were known for their lavish lifestyle, with fine clothes, jewelry, and perfumes.
23. The nawabs were skilled orators and would often address their subjects in public gatherings.
24. The nawabs were known for their generosity and would often give away large sums to charities.
25. The nawabs had a large retinue of servants and attendants, who were treated well and given good wages.
26. The nawabs were known for their love of poetry and would often compose verses themselves.
27. The nawabs were great lovers of nature and would often organize hunting expeditions in the nearby forests.
28. The nawabs were skilled diplomats and maintained good relations with neighboring kingdoms.
29. The nawabs were famous for their feasts, with intricate dishes and exotic spices.
30. The nawabs were respected by their subjects, who looked up to them as father figures.

Common Phases

1. The nawabs of India were known for their extravagant lifestyles; they were often seen wearing expensive clothes and jewelry.
2. During the reign of the nawabs, Lucknow became known as the culinary capital of India; the city's culinary traditions are still celebrated today.
3. The nawabs of Bengal were known for their patronage of the arts; under their rule, literature, music, and dance thrived.
4. The decline of the nawabs marked the beginning of British colonial rule in India; their demise was seen as the end of an era.
5. Many of the nawabs were known for their military prowess; they commanded large armies and were feared by their enemies.
6. The nawabs of Hyderabad were known for their elaborate gardens; the city's famous Charminar monument is surrounded by lush greenery.
7. Under the rule of the nawabs, trade and commerce flourished in many parts of India; their policies encouraged entrepreneurship and innovation.
8. The nawabs of Oudh were famous for their perfumes; many of the world's most renowned perfumes were created in their royal courts.
9. The nawabs of Awadh were known for their love of poetry; it was said that they would give away their wealth to support poets and their work.
10. The decline of the nawabs was accompanied by a loss of cultural and intellectual vitality in many parts of India; their contributions to art, literature, and society were significant.

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