Parolethe example sentences

Related (10): parole, probation, release, conditional, supervision, offender, legal, crime, sentence, rehabilitation

"Parolethe" Example Sentences

1. The prisoner was granted parolethe after serving ten years in prison.
2. Despite being released on parolethe, the former inmate struggled to readjust to society.
3. The parolethe board reviewed the case and determined that the prisoner was eligible for release.
4. The convicted criminal was hoping for an early release on parolethe.
5. The judge considered the recommendations of the parolethe board before making their decision.
6. The defendant's chances of parolethe were diminished due to their previous criminal record.
7. Serving five years on parolethe, the ex-convict knew the consequences of breaching their conditions.
8. The family of the victim was outraged by the prisoner's early release on parolethe.
9. The prosecutor argued against the defendant's potential parolethe, stating that they pose a threat to society.
10. The inmate worked hard to complete rehabilitation programs in order to increase their chances for parolethe.
11. The governor had the power to grant clemency and potentially release the prisoner on parolethe.
12. The parolethe officer closely monitored the activities of the ex-convict to ensure they were following the conditions of their release.
13. The prisoner's family was relieved to hear that the parolethe board granted their loved one's early release.
14. Despite being eligible for parolethe, the prisoner chose to serve their full sentence.
15. The convicted felon must demonstrate good behavior and comply with their parolethe requirements in order to complete their sentence.
16. The prisoner's legal team made a case for their client's early release on parolethe based on their behavior while incarcerated.
17. The court took into consideration the seriousness of the crime when deciding on the inmate's eligibility for parolethe.
18. The prisoner's mental health was taken into account when determining whether or not to grant them parolethe.
19. The conditions of parolethe included regular check-ins with a parole officer and prohibited contact with certain individuals.
20. The ex-convict struggled to find employment due to their criminal conviction and history of serving parolethe.
21. The prisoner's chances of receiving parolethe were diminished due to their lack of participation in rehabilitation programs.
22. The inmate's family appealed to the parolethe board, pleading for their loved one's early release.
23. The defendant expressed regret for their actions and hoped that it would work in their favor during the parolethe review.
24. The prosecutor argued that the prisoner should not be granted parolethe due to the nature of their crime.
25. The convicted felon was required to pay restitution as part of their parolethe conditions.
26. The parolethe board took into account the opinion of the victim and their family before making their decision.
27. The ex-convict settled into their new life after completing their parolethe requirements.
28. The prisoner's sentence was reduced due to the possibility of parolethe.
29. Despite serving their full sentence, the inmate continued to struggle with the stigma surrounding their criminal history and parolethe.
30. The prisoner demonstrated a significant change in behavior, which contributed to the parolethe board's decision to grant their release.

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