Picnics example sentences

Related (15): blankets, sandwiches, lemonade, frisbee, fun, sunshine, parks, relaxation, nature, friends, families, baskets, games, laughter, enjoyment

"Picnics" Example Sentences

1. I love to plan picnics with my family on weekends.
2. We had a wonderful time at the park during our picnic.
3. Picnics are a great way to enjoy the outdoors.
4. The park was packed with families having picnics.
5. Our group spent the entire day at the beach having picnics.
6. Picnics are ideal for spending quality time with loved ones.
7. Whenever I go on a hike, I pack a picnic to enjoy at the top.
8. We went on a romantic picnic in the countryside.
9. My favorite part of summer is having picnics by the lake.
10. Picnics are an inexpensive way to have fun with friends.
11. We had a lavish picnic at the botanical gardens.
12. I can't wait to have picnics again when the weather gets warmer.
13. Picnics are a fun way to celebrate the Fourth of July.
14. We always have music playing during our picnics in the park.
15. My friends love to organize surprise picnics for one another.
16. On weekends, we often go on picnics in the mountains.
17. We had the most delicious food during our picnic by the river.
18. Picnics make for great dates and let couples enjoy each other's company.
19. Every summer, our family reunion includes lots of picnics.
20. We brought our dog along for our picnic and played fetch together.
21. Picnics are a perfect way to relax after a long day at work.
22. It's fun to try out new recipes when planning a picnic menu.
23. We've had picnics in the snow during winter, with steaming hot cocoa to warm us up.
24. Our school always organizes picnics for the graduating class.
25. I enjoy reading a good book during picnics in the park.
26. Our church often holds picnics to raise money for charity.
27. We played frisbee and volleyball during our picnic at the beach.
28. We went on a romantic hike and had a picnic at the peak.
29. I like to set up an elaborate picnic spread when I entertain guests.
30. Fall picnics are beautiful with the colorful foliage and crisp air.

Common Phases

1. Packing the basket for picnics;
2. Spreading the blanket on the grassy field;
3. Enjoying sandwiches and chips with friends;
4. Sipping on refreshing lemonade;
5. Playing games like frisbee or badminton;
6. Lounging in the sun and soaking up the warmth;
7. Feeling the breeze blowing through your hair;
8. Watching the butterflies flit and flutter;
9. Having a leisurely afternoon nap;
10. Picking wildflowers for a homemade bouquet;
11. Listening to the sounds of birds chirping;
12. Cleaning up the mess and packing everything away.

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