Ployer example sentences

"Ployer" Example Sentences

1. As a ployer of tricky strategies, he was able to deceive his opponents.
2. The company's ployer had failed and they lost a lot of money.
3. Her ployer to get the promotion worked, and she was thrilled.
4. The team's ployer to distract the other team's star player was successful.
5. Despite his ployer, he couldn't win the race.
6. The politician's ployer to gain more votes was unethical.
7. Her ployer to get out of doing the chores was clever.
8. The coach's ployer to motivate his players was effective.
9. His ployer to make the other team forfeit didn't work.
10. The salesman's ployer to get customers to buy more products was cunning.
11. She used a ployer to get her crush's attention, but it failed.
12. The thief's ployer to steal the diamond was foiled by security.
13. His ployer to embarrass his ex-girlfriend backfired.
14. The CEO's ployer to increase profits led to layoffs.
15. Her ployer to avoid punishment failed, and she was caught.
16. The comedian's ployer to get laughs fell flat.
17. The detective used a ployer to get a confession from the suspect.
18. His ployer to get out of paying the bill was cheeky.
19. The magician's ployer to entertain the audience was impressive.
20. Her ployer to win the spelling bee surprised everyone.
21. The boxer's ployer to tire out his opponent worked.
22. His ployer to get closer to the celebrity was successful.
23. The chef's ployer to impress the food critics was delicious.
24. Her ployer to get the job offer was unique.
25. The spy's ployer to infiltrate the enemy's camp was dangerous.
26. His ployer to avoid doing homework was lazy.
27. The performer's ployer to engage the audience was delightful.
28. Her ployer to catch the attention of her dream guy was romantic.
29. The coach's ployer to distract the opposing team's coach was sneaky.
30. His ployer to find a quicker way home was adventurous.
31. The politician's ployer to avoid answering the question was frustrating.
32. Her ployer to hide her true feelings was successful.
33. The artist's ployer to create a masterpiece was inspiring.
34. His ployer to get a discount on the car was persuasive.
35. The actress's ployer to get the lead role was impressive.
36. Her ployer to get out of going to the party was believable.
37. The comedian's ployer to make the audience laugh was hilarious.
38. His ployer to get out of the speeding ticket was unethical.
39. The magician's ployer to deceive his audience was impressive.
40. Her ployer to win the race was admirable.

Common Phases

1. His ployer to win the game involved deception and skill;
2. She used a clever ployer to avoid the traffic and arrive on time;
3. The CEO's ployer to cut costs involved laying off several employees;
4. The detective's ployer to solve the case involved interviewing key witnesses;
5. Their ployer to get the best seats at the concert involved camping out overnight;
6. The politician's ployer to gain votes involved making promises he knew he couldn't keep;
7. His ployer to get ahead at work involved taking credit for other people's ideas;
8. The athlete's ployer to win the race involved pacing herself and conserving energy.

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