Postludes example sentences

Related (1): hymns

"Postludes" Example Sentences

1. The organist played several beautiful postludes after the church service.
2. The choir's performance was enhanced by the skillful postludes of the pianist.
3. The postludes of the classical compositions were always my favorite part of the performance.
4. After the wedding ceremony, the couple walked down the aisle to the sound of the postludes.
5. The postludes that accompanied the ballet were hauntingly beautiful.
6. The audience gave a standing ovation for the stunning postludes by the orchestra.
7. The composer added the postludes to give the piece a more dramatic ending.
8. The postludes were played on a grand piano, which added to the solemnity of the occasion.
9. The children's choir sang while the pianist played gentle postludes in the background.
10. The orchestra rehearsed the postludes for hours to perfect their performance.
11. The postludes gave the play a happy and festive ending.
12. The churchgoers always hummed along to the beautiful postludes after the service.
13. The postludes of the jazz band were always exciting and energizing.
14. The pianist played postludes in a minor key, giving the piece a somber tone.
15. The composer wrote several variations of the postludes for the symphony's concert.
16. The postludes of the funeral were a poignant tribute to the deceased.
17. The choir sang with gusto as the pianist played the postludes with passion.
18. The wedding guests clapped along to the upbeat postludes played by the pianist.
19. The composer added a touch of whimsy to the postludes of the children's play.
20. The pianist's fingers flew over the keys as she played the difficult postludes.
21. The audience was moved to tears by the emotional postludes of the opera.
22. The postludes of the musical had the audience tapping their toes and singing along.
23. The church service always ended with a rousing postlude from the organist.
24. The composer used the postludes to create a crescendo of sound in the performance.
25. The postludes of the symphony were breathtakingly beautiful.
26. The choir director carefully chose the postludes to match the theme of the church service.
27. The pianist added flourishes to the postludes to emphasize the melody.
28. The postludes of the play reflected the melancholy mood of the characters.
29. The audience was transported to another world by the ethereal postludes of the symphony.
30. The wedding ceremony was made even more magical by the enchanting postludes.

Common Phases

-She got up and walked out of the room; he could feel his heart breaking.
-After the party ended, they all said their goodbyes and headed home; the hosts were left with a huge mess to clean up.
-He finished his last exam of the semester; now all that was left was to wait for his grades.
-The concert came to an end; the audience still buzzing with energy and excitement.
-They finally reached the mountaintop after a grueling hike; the view was breathtaking.

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