Priori example sentences

Related (5): necessary, independent, knowledge, reasoning, probability

"Priori" Example Sentences

1. The experiment was designed a priori to test the hypothesis.
2. The participants were assigned to groups a priori.
3. The variables were measured a priori to determine their distribution.
4. The experimenter had an a priori hypothesis about the results.
5. The study was not designed a priori to test for that specific effect.
6. We formulated the a priori predictions based on prior research.
7. The procedure was established a priori to ensure consistency.
8. There were no a priori reasons to exclude any participants.
9. The exclusion criteria were determined a priori.
10. We made a priori calculations based on effect sizes from previous studies.
11. The sample size was determined a priori to achieve sufficient statistical power.
12. There was no a priori justification for combining the data in that way.
13. The experimental protocol was outlined a priori by the research team.
14. The statistical analyses were planned a priori.
15. The expected results were specified a priori.
16. We tested our a priori hypothesis using appropriate statistical analyses.
17. We did not have an a priori hypothesis about that particular outcome measure.
18. Additional analyses beyond those planned a priori were considered exploratory.
19. We made a priori predictions of which conditions would yield the highest scores.
20. The measures used were selected a priori.
21. There was no a priori reason to believe the results would differ between groups.
22. The cutoff scores were determined a priori.
23. The results supported our a priori predictions.
24. The categorization scheme was established a priori.
25. An a priori power analysis was conducted to determine the optimal sample size.
26. We recorded observations a priori deemed relevant to the research questions.
27. The experimental manipulations were defined a priori.
28. An a priori level of significance was set before analyzing the data.
29. There were no a priori constraints placed on possible results.
30. The parti cipants were not assigned to groups on any a priori basis.
31. The study lacked a priori hypotheses.
32. There were no a priori reasons to suspect a ceiling or floor effect.
33. The analyses not specified a priori should be considered exploratory.
34. The grouping variable was determined a priori for meaningful comparisons.
35. The dependent measures were finalized a priori.
36. The data collection period was established a priori.
37. The null hypothesis was formulated a priori.
38. There was no a priori basis for the post hoc comparisons that were conducted.
39. The independent variable was manipulated a priori.
40. The initial study design was established a priori.
41. Non-significant results were not a priori unexpected.
42. The analyses were restricted to those planned a priori.
43. Participants were not excluded a priori for any reason.
44. The confirmatory analyses were specified a priori.
45. There were no a priori constraints on how the data could be interpreted.
46. The variables of interest were identified a priori.
47. The exclusion criteria were established a priori.
48. The factors were counterbalanced a priori.
49. The dependent variables were selected a priori.
50. The control conditions were established a priori.
51. The analyses that were not specified a priori should be considered exploratory.
52. The inclusion criteria were determined a priori.
53. The level of accuracy was established a priori.
54. There were no a priori expectations regarding the direction of the effects.
55. The research assistants were blind to the condition assignments a priori.
56. The experimental groups were determined a priori.
57. The between-subjects factor was determined a priori.
58. The outlier criteria were established a priori.
59. The analyses followed those specified a priori.
60. The response time limit was set a priori.

Common Phases

1. We have no priori knowledge of the answer.
2. The result was not predetermined a priori.
3. The test is not biased a priori.
4. The hypothesis was not formulated a priori.
5. There are no assumptions built into the model a priori.
6. The study did not begin with any priori theories.
7. The researchers approached the study without a priori expectations.
8. The model was built without any constraints imposed a priori.
9. All variables were measured empirically instead of defined a priori.
10. The test questions were not developed a priori based on any assumptions.
11. The probability distribution was not determined a priori.
12. The parameters were estimated empirically, not defined a priori.
13. Statistical tests were conducted a priori to determine the sample size needed.
14. A priori power analyses were performed to minimize the possibility of type II errors.
15. A priori reasoning involves reasoning from causes to effects.
16. Inductive reasoning is the opposite of a priori reasoning.
17. Kant argued that space and time are a priori concepts.
18. The fundamentals of logic and mathematics are considered a priori knowledge.
19. The experimenters did not make any a priori judgments about the outcome.
20. The data were analyzed without imposing any a priori theories or frameworks.
21. The initial assumptions were not established a priori.
22. The variables were measured, not defined a priori.
23. The test was designed to be free from a priori bias.
24. I did not develop any a priori hypotheses for the results.
25. The process was not constrained by any a priori conditions.
26. Mathematics relies heavily on a priori reasoning.
27. Kant argued that a priori synthetic judgments are possible.
28. A priori reasoning proceeds from cause to effect.
29. The laws of logic are considered a priori truths.
30. Statistical significance was calculated a priori.
31. Controls were put in place a priori to minimize bias.
32. The researcher made no a priori assumptions about the variables.
33. The results support the a priori hypotheses.
34. I entered the test with no a priori belief system.
35. The model was created without establishing constraints a priori.
36. The sample size required was determined a priori.
37. The variables were defined empirically, not a priori.
38. There were no a priori beliefs or assumptions about the results.
39. The parameters were estimated a posteriori, not established a priori.
40. The conclusions were drawn from empirical data, not a priori reasoning.
41. A priori knowledge is obtained through reason alone.
42. The study began with an a priori theoretical framework.
43. I made some a priori conjectures but did not impose them on the data.
44. The experiment was designed to test a set of a priori hypotheses.
45. The experimenters developed an a priori schema for interpreting the data.
46. I formed an a priori theory and then sought evidence to support it.
47. The conclusions flowed logically from the a priori premises.
48. The variables were defined a priori based on theory.
49. A priori reasoning relies on deduction from general principles.
50. Bayesian statistics incorporates both a priori and a posteriori probabilities.
51. The experiment began with a set of a priori parameters and constraints.
52. The conclusions were derived a priori rather than deduced from observation.
53. A control group was established a priori.
54. A theoretical framework was developed a priori.
55. Mathematical truths are considered to be known a priori.
56. The sample size was calculated a priori based on power analysis.
57. The experimental design imposed constraints a priori.
58. Pure logic and mathematics rely on a priori reasoning.
59. The conclusions flowed deductively from the a priori premises.
60. The experiment was based on a set of a priori assumptions.

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