Profuse example sentences

Related (5): abundant, lavish, excessive, copious, overflowing

"Profuse" Example Sentences

1. She apologized profusely for being late.
2. The flowers were blooming profusely in the garden.
3. The guest's profuse thanks made her hosts feel good about their hospitality.
4. His profuse sweating was a sign that he had a fever.
5. The lava flowed profusely from the volcano.
6. The audience responded with profuse applause.
7. The speakers received a profuse amount of fan mail.
8. Profuse blood flowed from his wound.
9. The musicians received profuse praise for their performance.
10. The profuse rain flooded the streets.
11. The actor received profuse accolades for his performance.
12. The profuse notes and cards warmed her heart after the loss of her mother.
13. The public relations department received profuse thanks for their help.
14. A profuse rash broke out all over his body.
15. He apologized profusely for insulting her.
16. The weeping willow shed its leaves profusely in the fall.
17. The critics offered profuse praise for the novel.
18. The director issued a profuse number of memos about the event.
19. The candidates profusely thanked their supporters.
20. She gave profuse instructions about caring for the plants.
21. Profuse tears fell down her cheeks.
22. He offered profuse compliments on her achievements.
23. The witnesses provided a profuse amount of information to the police.
24. The houseplants grew profusely under the grow lamps.
25. The reporters peppered the politician with profuse questions.
26. The roses bloomed profusely in the well-tended garden.
27. The dog broke into profuse barking when the doorbell rang.
28. The audience responded with profuse cheering.
29. The mist created a profuse fog on the stage.
30. A profuse amount of bubbles filled the bathtub.
31. The politicians profusely thanked their voters and supporters.
32. The singer received profuse cheers from the audience.
33. The politician profusely apologized for his actions.
34. The fountain sprayed a profuse amount of water into the air.
35. Profuse chatter filled the room during the break.
36. The judges offered profuse praise for the winning performance.
37. The dancer received profuse accolades for his performance.
38. The weeds grew profusely in the neglected garden.
39. Hair sprouted profusely from his thick beard.
40. The autumn leaves carpeted the ground in profuse shades of red, yellow and orange.
41. Her profuse notes of gratitude warmed his heart.
42. The baby giggled profusely at the funny noises.
43. The trees blossomed profusely after the spring rains.
44. A profuse amount of compliments poured in after the performance.
45. Steam rose profusely from the pot of boiling water.
46. The clown received profuse laughter from the children.
47. The actor profusely thanked his loyal fans.
48. Profuse moss and ivy covered the old stones.
49. Profuse jewelry adorned her neck and wrists.
50. His profuse apologies finally convinced her to forgive him.
51. The performer received profuse applause at the end of the show.
52. Bubbles floated profusely in the bubbling bath water.
53. The manager profusely apologized for the hotel mistake.
54. The trees shed their leaves profusely each autumn.
55. The seeds sprouted and grew profusely after the spring rainfall.
56. The senator profusely thanked his many supporters.
57. The chef received profuse praise for his delicious cuisine.
58. Rain fell profusely while they waited at the bus stop.
59. The professor distributed profuse amounts of homework for the weekend.
60. The flowers blossomed profusely after the rain.

Common Phases

1. Profuse apologies
This refers to a person offering many apologies, often repeatedly, for an action or mistake.
2. Profuse praise
This means high levels of positive feedback, comments, or complimentary words given by someone.
3. Profuse thanks
This means expressing strong gratitude or appreciation at a high level.
4. Profuse sweating
This indicates that someone is sweating excessively, often as a sign of fever, nervousness, or other conditions.
5. Profuse blood
When blood is flowing or accumulating at a high rate.
6. Profuse rainfall
Rain falling at a heavy or very heavy rate.
7. Profuse growth
When plants, crops, or organisms are growing at an extremely fast pace.
8. Profuse tears
Crying with many tears flowing freely and abundantly.
9. Profuse laughter
Laughing in a very loud, continuous, and uncontrolled way.
10. Profuse applause
Clapping, cheering, and fanfare given enthusiastically and at high levels.

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