Pulpit example sentences

Related (9): preaching, sermon, church, religion, speaker, congregation, elevated, platform, Bible

"Pulpit" Example Sentences

1. The pastor climbed up to the pulpit and began his sermon.
2. The pulpits in that church were made of polished wood.
3. She sat in the front row, right in front of the pulpit.
4. The preacher spoke passionately from the pulpit.
5. The church paid for a new pulpit to be installed.
6. The student nervously approached the pulpit to give his speech.
7. The congregation listened intently from their seats, facing the pulpit.
8. The pulpit was decorated with fresh flowers and candles.
9. The priest gestured towards the pulpit, inviting the choir to join in singing.
10. The minister adjusted the microphone on the pulpit before beginning the service.
11. The visiting pastor was invited to speak from the pulpit during the Sunday service.
12. The pulpit was elaborately carved with intricate designs.
13. The stained glass windows behind the pulpit cast colorful light onto the preacher.
14. The reverend climbed up the stairs to the pulpit, clutching his notes tightly.
15. The pulpit was positioned at the front of the sanctuary, overlooking the pews.
16. She felt nervous as all eyes turned to her when she approached the pulpit to deliver her speech.
17. The pulpit was decorated with a large cross, reminding the congregation of the importance of their faith.
18. The preacher stood tall atop the pulpit, speaking with conviction and authority.
19. The wooden pulpit showed signs of wear from years of use.
20. The pastor lifted his Bible from the pulpit, using it to guide his message.
21. The pulpit was built to match the architecture of the rest of the church.
22. The choir members sat in their designated area near the pulpit, ready to sing at any moment.
23. The pulpit was flanked on either side by tall candelabras.
24. The preacher's voice echoed through the church as he spoke from the pulpit.
25. The pulpit was the focal point of the sanctuary, drawing the eye of everyone in attendance.
26. The church ignored requests from members to update the old pulpit, insisting that it had historic value.
27. The pastor leaned forward, his hands resting on the pulpit, as he delivered his message.
28. The pulpit was adorned with a white cloth, representing purity and holiness.
29. The guest speaker made her way to the pulpit, looking out over the congregation with a smile.
30. The pulpit allowed the preacher to address the entire congregation, even those sitting in the back of the church.

Common Phases

not repeat phrases.
1. The pastor stepped up to the pulpit; his voice boomed throughout the sanctuary.
2. She adjusted the microphone on the pulpit; clearing her throat, she began to speak.
3. The wooden pulpit creaked as the priest shifted his weight; his sermon was filled with anecdotes.
4. The guest speaker leaned against the pulpit; she shared her personal testimony with the congregation.
5. The light from the stained glass window illuminated the pulpit; the choir sang a hymn as the pastor walked to the front.
6. The congregation listened intently as the preacher stood behind the pulpit; his message was about forgiveness.
7. The visiting pastor was unfamiliar with the church's pulpit; he stumbled over his words as he spoke.
8. The pulpit was adorned with a floral arrangement; the church was celebrating a baptism.
9. The pastor gestured with his hands as he stood at the pulpit; his words were passionate and inspiring.
10. The pulpit was draped in black as the church mourned the loss of a member; the pastor offered words of comfort.

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