Rehabilitation example sentences

Related (15): recovery, therapy, treatment, restoration, reconditioning, renovation, refurbishment, restructuring, reeducation, recuperation, resocialization, rebuilding, regaining, remaking, renewal.

"Rehabilitation" Example Sentences

1. The goal of the rehabilitation program was to help inmates reenter society.
2. Physical therapy is an important part of injury rehabilitation.
3. Drug rehabilitation programs aim to help addicts recover and stay sober.
4. The old factory underwent structural rehabilitation to convert it into lofts.
5. The rehabilitation center offered counseling and job training.
6. Mental health rehabilitation focuses on skills to manage conditions and live independently.
7. He underwent rehabilitation for his knee injury before returning to play sports.
8. Vocational rehabilitation helps people with disabilities gain work skills and find jobs.
9. The building needed extensive rehabilitation before it could be safely occupied.
10. Occupational therapy is often part of physical rehabilitation after an injury.
11. Proper rehabilitation is crucial for returning to pre-injury fitness levels.
12. Plastic surgery can be part of facial burn rehabilitation.
13. The addiction rehabilitation program featured group therapy and counseling.
14. Speech therapy is used in stroke rehabilitation.
15. Rehabilitation often requires determination and patience on the part of the patient.
16. His recovery required months of intensive physical rehabilitation.
17. The program aimed to transition inmates from prison into society through education and job skills rehabilitation.
18. Art therapy is used in some rehabilitation programs.
19. Medical advances continue to improve the success of injury rehabilitation.
20. Wildlife rehabilitation efforts try to nurse injured animals back to health.
21. The historical building needed major rehabilitation to fix damage caused by years of neglect.
22. Neurological rehabilitation helps patients manage impairments caused by conditions like strokes and brain injuries.
23. The scenic highway underwent structural rehabilitation to extend its lifespan.
24. The chronic pain made his physical rehabilitation very difficult.
25. His alcoholism led to social and financial ruin before his sobriety and rehabilitation.
26. Burn rehabilitation often requires special therapy and treatments to manage scarring and permanent effects.
27. Music therapy can benefit different types of rehabilitation, from psychological to physical.
28. Prison industries programs aim to provide job skills rehabilitation for inmates.
29. Successful injury rehabilitation often depends on the right combination of medical care, physical therapy and mental attitude.
30. Language rehabilitation therapies help patients recover lost speech abilities after a stroke or head injury.
31. Careful post-surgical rehabilitation is necessary for full recovery of range of motion and strength.
32. The gym's physical rehabilitation services included customized fitness programs for those recovering from injury.
33. Cardiac rehabilitation helps heart patients regain strength and endurance through exercise and education.
34. Criminal justice reform advocates called for more focus on rehabilitation in the prison system.
35. The school's special education program provided academic rehabilitation for students with learning disabilities.
36. The soldier underwent months of grueling physical rehabilitation after being wounded in combat.
37. The historic bridge underwent an extensive structural rehabilitation to repair damage and extend its lifespan.
38. The clinic offered hearing rehabilitation services for people with different types and degrees of hearing loss.
39. Vision rehabilitation therapies help people adjust to vision loss and learn adaptive techniques.
40. Trauma rehabilitation focuses on managing effects of abuse, combat or disaster.
41. Wildlife conservation efforts include rehabilitation for injured or orphaned animals.
42. Intensive rehabilitation efforts were needed after the mine accident left dozens of workers injured.
43. Residential rehabilitation programs provide round-the-clock treatment in a controlled setting.
44. The building underwent an exterior rehabilitation to repair damage and restore its original facade.
45. Post-operative rehabilitation includes physical exercises to increase range of motion and relieve pain.
46. The ancient seawall underwent major structural rehabilitation to strengthen it against future tidal surges.
47. Lymphedema rehabilitation programs help patients manage swelling and improve mobility.
48. Faith-based rehabilitation programs incorporate spiritual practices and principles into addiction treatment.
49. The autoworker's hand injury required months of rehabilitation and occupational therapy.
50. Successful stroke rehabilitation maximizes recovery of functions like speech, mobility and cognition.
51. Diabetes rehabilitation programs focus on nutrition, exercise and insulin management.
52. The veteran credits his PTSD service dog with helping in his psychological rehabilitation.
53. Social rehabilitation programs help people with disabilities integrate into the community.
54. The rotting bridge was in desperate need of structural rehabilitation before it became impassable.
55. Drug court programs emphasize treatment and rehabilitation over traditional incarceration.
56. Neurofeedback is a newer technology used in some cognitive rehabilitation programs.
57. Music and art therapy are increasingly used in psychiatric rehabilitation.
58. The athlete's knee surgery was followed by an intensive rehabilitation regimen.
59. Burns rehabilitation involves specialized therapy, dressings and sometimes grafting.
60. Prison management experts argued that punishment alone is insufficient and that rehabilitation should be a primary focus.

Common Phases

1. She underwent knee surgery and rehabilitation for several months.
2. The rehabilitation program focuses on regaining physical and mental strength.
3. One of the goals of drug rehabilitation is to break substance dependencies.
4. Physical therapy is an important part of the pain management and rehabilitation process.
5. The prosthetic leg required rehabilitation and physical therapy to learn how to walk again.
6. The inmate worked with the prison rehabilitation counselor to develop a reentry plan.
7. Occupational therapy is often used as part of stroke rehabilitation.
8. The city renovated the old housing project as part of an urban rehabilitation plan.
9. Physical rehabilitation takes time, hard work, and dedication.
10. After his stroke, he spent months in speech rehabilitation and physical therapy.
11. The animal shelter had a rehabilitation program for feral kittens.
12. The company launched an employee assistance program for drug and alcohol rehabilitation.
13. Career rehabilitation focuses on finding new employment after a job loss.
14. Her role on the television series helped rehabilitate her image after the scandal.
15. The injured veteran went through years of intensive pain management and rehabilitation.
16. He spent years in prison trying to rehabilitate himself through education programs.
17. The criminal justice system aims for rehabilitation rather than solely punishment.
18. Wildlife rehabilitation centers help injured and orphaned animals recover.
19. The defense attorney argued for rehabilitation and treatment rather than prison time.
20. The physical therapist developed an individualized rehabilitation plan.
21. The juvenile rehabilitation center provided counseling and educational programs for young offenders.
22. She credited the physical therapists and trainers with her successful rehabilitation and recovery.
23. Cognitive behavioral therapy is often used in addiction rehabilitation.
24. The abandoned building required extensive rehabilitation before it could be occupied again.
25. The storm devastated coastal communities, requiring long-term rehabilitation efforts.
26. He received an award for his work with veterans' rehabilitation programs.
27. The job training center provided career rehabilitation services for the disabled.
28. The goals of criminal justice should include rehabilitation as well as punishment.
29. The historic building underwent restoration and rehabilitation using traditional techniques.
30. Financial counseling is often part of credit rehabilitation programs.
31. The judge ordered him into an anger management and drug rehabilitation program.
32. He led language and literacy rehabilitation programs to help children with reading disabilities.
33. The prosthetic arm required months of intensive rehabilitation to learn how to use it properly.
34. Many communities lack adequate drug and alcohol rehabilitation resources.
35. The historic neighborhood required years of economic rehabilitation and revitalization.
36. The surgeon specialized in facial reconstruction and rehabilitation after injuries or illness.
37. The old industrial plant required extensive environmental rehabilitation before redevelopment.
38. The zoo has an animal rehabilitation program that nurses injured wildlife back to health.
39. Her credit score drastically improved after she completed the debt rehabilitation program.
40. Mental health professionals work in trauma resolution and rehabilitation centers.
41. The aging boxer needed long-term brain injury rehabilitation.
42. The prisoners worked with rehabilitation counselors to help them reenter society.
43. Military veterans often require extensive physical and psychological rehabilitation.
44. The prisoner participated in educational and vocational rehabilitation programs while incarcerated.
45. The war-torn country needed massive infrastructure rehabilitation before returning to normal life.
46. The prisoner showed great personal growth through participation in vocational rehabilitation.
47. Wildlife rehabilitation experts treat dehydrated and malnourished animals.
48. The military base required environmental rehabilitation after years of pollution and contamination.
49. Prison rehabilitation programs aim to reduce recidivism rates through education and therapy.
50. Rehabilitation centers provide treatment for drug addicts and alcoholics.
51. The child needed occupational therapy as part of her physical rehabilitation.
52. Prison-based rehabilitation can help break the cycle of crime and incarceration.
53. Cognitive rehabilitation often involves memory exercises and learning new strategies.
54. The veteran underwent years of pain management, physical rehabilitation and counseling.
55. Job placement services are an important part of vocational rehabilitation.
56. The cat required weeks of round-the-clock care as part of her eye rehabilitation.
57. Criminal justice experts debate the effectiveness of rehabilitation programs versus punishment.
58. The storm victim needed both financial and emotional rehabilitation.
59. The therapy dog assisted with patient recovery and rehabilitation at the hospital and nursing home.
60. Art therapy is used in many different types of mental health and addiction rehabilitation programs.

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