Resolvement example sentences

Related (3): resolution, solution, settlement

"Resolvement" Example Sentences

1. The resolvement of the issue required the input of all parties involved.
2. There was no clear resolvement for the conflict that had arisen.
3. The resolvement of the problem was beyond the capabilities of the team.
4. He was confident that the resolvement of the matter would be reached quickly.
5. A satisfactory resolvement was unlikely unless both sides were willing to compromise.
6. The resolvement of the crisis was a top priority for the government.
7. There were several options for the resolvement of the issue, but none seemed ideal.
8. She felt a sense of relief upon the resolvement of the misunderstanding.
9. The resolvement of the dispute required a mediator to be present.
10. He was skeptical of the proposed plan for resolvement.
11. The resolvement of the problem was a collaborative effort.
12. The resolvement of the issue was hindered by a lack of communication.
13. She was pleased with the resolvement of the matter and moved on.
14. The resolvement of the issue led to a significant improvement in the company's performance.
15. The resolvement of the conflict required patience and perseverance.
16. The resolvement of the issue necessitated the involvement of legal experts.
17. An effective resolvement strategy depended on a thorough understanding of the situation.
18. The resolvement of the problem was a long and arduous process.
19. The resolvement of the disagreement required both parties to be willing to listen.
20. Uncovering the root cause was instrumental in the resolvement of the issue.
21. The resolvement of the issue required urgent attention.
22. The resolvement of the problem had a significant impact on the company's bottom line.
23. Accountability was crucial for the resolvement of the matter.
24. The resolvement of the issue was a turning point in the relationship between the two parties.
25. Without proper resolvement, the issue had the potential to escalate into a larger problem.
26. The resolvement of the matter was celebrated with a company-wide announcement.
27. The resolvement of the problem allowed the team to move forward with its goals.
28. There was much debate over the most effective resolvement strategy to be implemented.
29. The resolvement of the crisis was a testament to the team's ability to work together.
30. The resolvement of the issue was a satisfying resolution for all involved.

Common Phases

1. "The resolvement of this issue requires further investigation; we cannot provide a solution at this time."
2. "The resolvement of their conflict was long overdue; it's good to see them finally reconcile."
3. "We appreciate your urgency in seeking resolvement of this matter; we will work to address it as soon as possible."
4. "The resolvement of this legal dispute will require mediation; we have scheduled a meeting for next week."
5. "The resolvement of this problem will require a collaborative effort; let's discuss potential solutions together."

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