Riderless example sentences

Related (5): horse, bike, car, ship, train.

"Riderless" Example Sentences

1. The horse galloped ahead, riderless.
2. The rodeo bull kicked off its rider and ran riderless around the arena.
3. The motorcycle crashed, leaving the vehicle riderless.
4. In the ancient sport of jousting, sometimes a knight would fall from his horse and leave it riderless.
5. The car rolled down the hill after becoming riderless.
6. The rollercoaster malfunctioned, leaving a car riderless on the track.
7. During the Olympic equestrian event, one horse broke free and ran riderless around the course.
8. The runaway carriage raced down the street, completely riderless.
9. The rodeo clown tried to distract the bull after it threw its rider and became riderless.
10. The tsunami wave carried a boat riderless into the city.
11. The rodeo steer broke free from the chute and ran riderless into the arena.
12. The unmanned spacecraft flew riderless deeper into space.
13. The runaway train continued down the tracks, riderless and out of control.
14. The knight charged forward on his horse, but his opponent's blow knocked him off and left his mount riderless.
15. The amusement park ride malfunctioned and left the riders stranded and riderless.
16. The unmanned drone flew riderless over the target area.
17. The rodeo bull bucked wildly, sending its rider flying and leaving it riderless.
18. The helicopter pilot ejected and watched as his aircraft flew around the sky riderless.
19. The cowboy worked to calm down the horse after it threw its rider and became riderless.
20. The car accident left the vehicle riderless and mangled.
21. The castle gates opened to allow the riderless horse of the defeated knight to pass through.
22. The unmanned submarine scouted the ocean floor, completely riderless.
23. The horse leapt over the fence and ran riderless into the field.
24. The rogue elephant ran through the village, leaving destruction in its wake and becoming riderless after its rider fell off.
25. The rodeo clown tried to distract the aggressive bull after it became riderless.
26. The carjacker fled on foot, leaving the stolen car riderless on the street.
27. The unmanned boat drifted aimlessly in the water, completely riderless.
28. The jousting tournament ended in defeat for one knight, whose horse ran off riderless after a blow from his opponent.
29. The wild stallion ran free and riderless through the fields.
30. The fighter pilot ejected and watched as his plane flew riderless into the enemy territory.

Common Phases

1. The riderless horse galloped past the finish line; its jockey had fallen off moments before.
2. The riderless bike wobbled down the hill; its chain had come off and the rider had been forced to abandon it.
3. The riderless car careened down the road; the driver had jumped out after the brakes failed.
4. The riderless boat bobbed in the water; its passengers had all fallen overboard during a storm.
5. The riderless skateboard flew down the ramp; the skater had lost his balance and fallen off.

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