Sacrifices example sentences

Related (3): Offerings, libations, oblations.

"Sacrifices" Example Sentences

1. She made sacrifices for the sake of her career.
2. The community honored their sacrifices on Veterans Day.
3. His parents had to make sacrifices in order to provide for their family.
4. The priest made sacrifices during the religious ceremony.
5. The football players made sacrifices to win the championship.
6. The missionary made many sacrifices during her time in Africa.
7. The soldiers made great sacrifices for their country.
8. She refused to make sacrifices for someone who didn't appreciate her.
9. The politician promised to make sacrifices to improve the economy.
10. The family had to make financial sacrifices to afford their children's education.
11. She was willing to make sacrifices for her dream of becoming an astronaut.
12. The sacrifices made by the early settlers paved the way for future generations.
13. The athletes made sacrifices to prepare for the Olympic games.
14. The leader of the rebellion was willing to make any sacrifice to achieve their goals.
15. The parents made sacrifices to help their children achieve their dreams.
16. He made personal sacrifices to volunteer for the charity.
17. The team made sacrifices to earn their place in the playoffs.
18. She made sacrifices to care for her sick mother.
19. The composer made sacrifices to pursue his passion for music.
20. The crew of the ship made sacrifices during their dangerous voyage.
21. The farmers made sacrifices to feed the growing population.
22. They made sacrifices to preserve their cultural heritage.
23. The students made sacrifices to meet their academic goals.
24. The astronauts made many sacrifices in order to explore the unknown.
25. The workers made sacrifices to unionize and improve their working conditions.
26. She made small sacrifices in her daily life to help the environment.
27. The coach made sacrifices to build a winning team.
28. The parents made sacrifices to adopt a child.
29. The hero made the ultimate sacrifice to save his comrades.
30. The employees made sacrifices to keep the company afloat during tough times.

Common Phases

not use first person pronouns.
1. Sacrifices are necessary for success; you must give up something in order to gain something else.
2. Many people make sacrifices for their loved ones; they put the needs of others before their own.
3. Achieving your goals often requires sacrifices; you must be willing to work hard and give up leisure time.
4. Sacrifices can be difficult, but they are often worth it; the rewards can be life-changing.
5. Some sacrifices are forced upon us; we have no choice but to adapt and persevere.
6. Making sacrifices is part of being responsible; putting off work or responsibilities leads to consequences down the line.
7. Giving up certain luxuries may be necessary for financial stability; sacrifices are key to managing personal finances.
8. Sacrifices made for personal growth can be the most rewarding; stepping out of your comfort zone can lead to greater opportunities.
9. Sacrifices made for a greater cause can make a difference; small actions can have a big impact in the world around us.
10. Sacrifices and compromises are essential in any relationship; putting in effort and understanding others can lead to stronger bonds.

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