Scriptal example sentences

Related (11): script, manuscript, codex, text, writing, handwriting, calligraphy, inscription, autograph, printing, typescript.

"Scriptal" Example Sentences

1. The scriptal language was complex and difficult to understand.
2. The author's writing style was very scriptal and hard to interpret.
3. The ancient text contained many scriptal characters that were no longer used.
4. The scribe used a scriptal font to write the manuscript by hand.
5. The software company developed a scriptal program that could translate languages.
6. The professor was an expert in translating scriptal writing from ancient civilizations.
7. The scriptal code was encrypted and required a special key to decipher.
8. The contract was written in a scriptal font to prevent alteration or fraud.
9. The scriptal symbols used in the artwork represented different cultural meanings.
10. The museum curator needed to consult with a scriptal expert to interpret the exhibit.
11. The scriptal characters engraved on the tablet were over 2000 years old.
12. The manuscript was written in a scriptal language that was no longer used in modern times.
13. The cryptographer was able to crack the scriptal cipher and reveal the hidden message.
14. The artist used a scriptal font to create the intricate designs in the calligraphy piece.
15. The linguist had experience in deciphering scriptal languages from various regions of the world.
16. The scriptal symbols were used for divination purposes in ancient times.
17. The historian analyzed the scriptal records to learn more about the culture and society of that period.
18. The scriptal letters on the gravestone revealed the name and date of the deceased.
19. The writer incorporated scriptal elements into their novel to add a sense of mystery and intrigue.
20. The museum was proud to display a rare scriptal manuscript from the Middle Ages.
21. The scriptal characters on the scroll were fading and needed to be preserved for future generations.
22. The academic journal published an article on the scriptal writing system of the Aztecs.
23. The scriptal language used in the temple hieroglyphics was only known by a select few.
24. The linguistics department offered a course on scriptal languages of the ancient world.
25. The scriptal inscriptions on the artifact provided clues about its origin and purpose.
26. The archeologist uncovered a pottery shard with scriptal writing that dated back to the Bronze Age.
27. The scriptal code was protected by several layers of security to prevent hacking or unauthorized access.
28. The researcher used a magnifying glass to study the intricate details of the scriptal font.
29. The scriptal manuscript was so fragile it required special care and handling to avoid damage.
30. The student had to learn the basics of scriptal writing in order to read the historical texts.

Common Phases

1. Once upon a time; in a land far, far away; there was a magical kingdom.
2. Lights, camera, action!; The director shouted, signaling the start of the movie.
3. He skipped breakfast; ran to catch the train; and made it just in time for his meeting.
4. Summer, fall, winter, spring; each season brings its own beauty and charm.
5. She opened the book; turned the pages; and got lost in the story.
6. Red, blue, green, yellow; the colors of the rainbow are always bright and cheerful.
7. He climbed the mountain; took in the view; and felt a sense of accomplishment.
8. Laugh, cry, dance, sing; let your emotions run wild and free.
9. Take a deep breath; count to ten; and calm yourself down.
10. Roses are red; violets are blue; sugar is sweet, and so are you.

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