Solutes example sentences

Related (9): ions, molecules, compounds, acids, bases, proteins, sugars, salts, hormones.

"Solutes" Example Sentences

1. The solvents dissolved the solutes into ions and molecules.
2. The soil contains nutrient solutes that can be absorbed by plant roots.
3. When the solutes dissolve, they disrupt the bonds of the solvent.
4. Water is an excellent solvent because it can dissolve many polar solutes.
5. The solute particles disperse among the solvent particles in a solution.
6. The plant absorbed water and mineral solutes up through its roots.
7. The solutes and solvent combined to form a homogeneous mixture.
8. The concentration of solutes affects the freezing and boiling points.
9. The sugar crystals dissolved to become solute particles in the water.
10. The solvent molecules move among and surround the stationary solute particles.
11. The solvent molecules penetrate between the solute particles in solution.
12. The polar solvent readily dissolved the polar solute molecules.
13. When equal concentrations of solutes mix, diffusion occurs.
14. The level of dissolved solutes impacts aquatic organisms.
15. The concentration of ions and other dissolved solutes controls osmosis.
16. A semipermeable membrane allows the passage of solutes in solution.
17. Ionic solutes conduct electricity when dissolved in solution.
18. The solutes accumulated in the soil deposits and brine water.
19. The solutes are separated using dialysis membranes of various pore sizes.
20. Sugar or salt crystals are examples of solutes dissolved in water.
21. The solute particles continuously collide with solvent molecules.
22. The solution has a higher concentration of solutes than pure solvent.
23. Plants take up mineral solutes from nutrient-rich soil solutions.
24. Adding solutes changes the polarity and pH of the solvent.
25. Solutes pass through selective membranes via simple or facilitated diffusion.
26. Humidity affects the amount of dissolved solutes in the air.
27. Osmosis is the diffusion of water across a membrane to equalize solute concentrations.
28. He measured the amount of dissolved solutes in the lake water sample.
29. More solutes remained in the concentrated brine compared to freshwater.
30. Osmotic pressure is the opposing force of solvent molecules to the entrance of solutes.
31. The leaf absorbed carbon dioxide and released oxygen solute gases.
32. Diffusion potentials across cell membranes depend on gradients of solute concentrations.
33. The solvent surrounded and separated the solute ions and molecules.
34. Vapor pressure decreases with an increase in dissolved solutes.
35. Chromatography techniques separate solutes based on polarity and size.
36. Solutes accumulate in cells through active or passive transport.
37. Higher concentrations of solutes outside the cell cause water to enter via osmosis.
38. Salinity refers to the amount of dissolved solutes in water, especially salts.
39. Food supplies contain necessary solutes vital for cells and tissues.
40. The cells ruptured when exposed to high concentrations of solute.
41. More ionic solutes make solutions more conductive.
42. Osmosis occurs if solutes are present on only one side of the membrane.
43. Chemical reactions occur when solutes come in contact with the solvent.
44. Capillary action involves discontinuous solute particles interacting with the solvent.
45. Soil pores contain solutions of solutes and water.
46. Membrane potentials are induced by differences in solute concentrations.
47. Mineral solutes travel in xylem tissue from roots to stems and leaves.
48. Chemical testing strips indicate presence and amount of specific solutes.
49. Electrolytes are ionic solutes that help conduct electrical impulses.
50. Living cells contain concentrated solutes within semi-permeable membranes.
51. The solvent maintained uniformity among the dispersed solute particles.
52. The relative concentrations of solutes alter membrane potentials.
53. Water has great capacity to dissolve ionic and polar solute substances.
54. Thermal diffusion occurs when solutes move from hotter to colder areas.
55. The solvent separated fused solutes once they were added.
56. Colligative properties depend on the amount of solutes, regardless of type.
57. Living organisms require many types of solute compounds for survival.
58. Concentrated solutes can deteriorate cell membranes through osmosis.
59. High solute concentrations in soil solutions limit plant growth.
60. Plasma contains various solute compounds and ions dissolved in water.

Common Phases

1. Solute particles
2. Solute concentration
3. Solute concentration gradient
4. Dissolved solutes
5. Solute movement
6. Solute diffusion
7. Solute transport
8. Ionic solutes
9. Polar solute
10. Solute molecules
11. Solute ions
12. Solute accumulation
13. Solute distribution
14. Solute uptake
15. Solute loss
16. Solute absorption
17. Solute balance
18. Solute exchange
19. Excess solutes
20. Solute influx

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