Spurred example sentences

Related (11): encouraged, motivated, incentivized, activated, initiated, prodded, prompted, stimulated, provoked, inspired, urged

"Spurred" Example Sentences

1. The criticism spurred him to work even harder.
2. The low sales figures spurred the company to revamp their marketing strategy.
3. The anger spurred him into action.
4. The injustice spurred her into activism.
5. The injustice spurred them into protesting.
6. Her ambition spurred her to pursue a career in medicine.
7. The opportunity spurred him to start his own business.
8. The harsh conditions spurred the pioneers westward.
9. The challenges spurred the team to rise to the occasion.
10. Their desire for adventure spurred them to travel the world.
11. The loss spurred the team to train harder for the next game.
12. The scandal spurred calls for political reform.
13. The obstacles spurred her determination to succeed.
14. Her passion for social justice spurred her to fight for change.
15. The goals spurred the athletes through the marathon.
16. The breakthrough spurred new ideas and research.
17. His concern for the environment spurred him to become an activist.
18. Their hope for a better future spurred them to keep going.
19. Her love of music spurred her to learn how to play the piano.
20. Their hopes and dreams spurred them forward.
21. The dream of owning his own business spurred him on for years.
22. The unhappiness at her current job spurred her to find a new one.
23. The need to support her family spurred her entrepreneurial spirit.
24. The promise of adventure spurred him to sign up for the expedition.
25. The technologies spurred new developments and discoveries.
26. Their progress so far has spurred them on to do more.
27. The research spurred him to create new products.
28. His desire to help others spurred him to become a doctor.
29. The inventors' curiosity spurred them to create new gadgets.
30. The events spurred widespread calls for change.
31. The expanding markets spurred new business opportunities.
32. The discoveries spurred continued research.
33. Economic struggles spurred him to work hard and save.
34. The technologies spurred advancements across many industries.
35. The need spurred the innovation of new products.
36. The crisis spurred governments to take action.
37. The news coverage spurred national debates.
38. The threat spurred countries to increase security measures.
39. The famine spurred aid groups to step up relief efforts.
40. The fire spurred reform in the fire safety industry.
41. His work ethic spurred the company's growth.
42. The attack spurred the military into swift retaliation.
43. The new policies spurred outcry from citizens.
44. The crisis spurred his businesses to adapt and change.
45. The growth spurred the need for more resources.
46. The demand for products spurred job creation.
47. Progress in research continues to spur innovation.
48. Their hope spurred activists to take action.
49. Public opinion spurred lawmakers to draft new legislation.
50. The coach's motivational speech spurred the team on to victory.
51. The emergency spurred health officials into action.
52. His compassion for others spurred him to become a educator.
53. The breakthrough spurred scientists to experiment further.
54. Their desire for a better future spurred them to act.
55. Hard work and dedication spurred her career success.
56. The competition spurred him to practice harder.
57. The innovations spurred economic growth.
58. The controversy spurred debate on social media.
59. The research spurred debate in academic circles.
60. Their success so far has spurred them to aim even higher.

Common Phases

Spurred him/her on - To encourage someone to persist or continue in an effort or course of action. This phrase indicates that someone or something encouraged continued action.
Example: The cheering crowd spurred the athletes on to finish the race.
• Spur (someone) into action - To prompt or motivate someone into taking action.
Example: The impending deadline spurred the employees into action.
Spurred by (something) - Prompted or motivated by a particular thing.
Example: Spurred by the need for change, students organized protests.
• Spur (someone) on - To encourage or motivate someone to make progress or achieve something.
Example: The recognition spurred her on to even greater accomplishments.
Spurred advances/progress/growth - Indicates that something lead to or caused technological, scientific, social, or economic advancement.
Example: New discoveries spur advances in medicine.
• Spur innovation- Act as a catalyst for the development of new ideas, products, or methods.
Example: Competition often spurs innovation in the business world.
So in summary, 'spurred' is commonly used to indicate that something motivated, encouraged, or prompted action, progress or change for an individual or group. I hope these examples and explanations are helpful! Let me know if you have any other questions.

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