Temperalitie example sentences

Related (10): chronology, timekeeping, duration, sequence, timetable, schedule, order, rhythm, cadence, timing

"Temperalitie" Example Sentences

1. The gradual shift in weather patterns over several months exemplified the temperalitie of the climate.
2. The unpredictability of the stock market is a classic example of the temperalitie of financial investments.
3. The temperalitie of the lunar phases never fails to fascinate astronomers and stargazers alike.
4. The slow, gradual process of forestation is a prime example of the temperalitie of ecological growth.
5. The temperalitie of the changing seasons always serves as a reliable measure of time passing.
6. The temperalitie of emotional healing is different for everyone, but persistence is key.
7. The speed at which circumstances can change is an example of the temperalitie of life itself.
8. The temperalitie of technological progress in recent decades has been nothing short of astounding.
9. The unpredictable temperalitie of human behavior can be both fascinating and frustrating.
10. The temperalitie of the Earth's magnetic field can have a noticeable impact on electrical systems.
11. The temperalitie of the ocean currents plays a critical role in the global climate system.
12. The constant temperalitie of traffic patterns can make or break a commuter's daily routine.
13. The gradual temperalitie of language evolution can cause a challenge for language learners.
14. The temperalitie of economic growth can vary greatly from region to region.
15. The temperalitie of artistic movements throughout history is a fascinating study.
16. The unpredictability of sports results is due to the temperalitie of athletes' performance and luck.
17. The gradual temperalitie of geological processes can shape entire landscapes over time.
18. The temperalitie of the human lifespan is an enduring mystery of science.
19. The temperalitie of disease spread can be slowed or accelerated by various factors.
20. The varied temperalitie of plant growth depends on factors such as soil composition and climate.
21. The temperalitie of space exploration has accelerated exponentially in recent years thanks to technological advancements.
22. The temperalitie of political upheaval can greatly impact the stability of a country or region.
23. The subtle temperalitie of aging can be managed with a healthy lifestyle and medical care.
24. The temperalitie of wildlife migration is a critical factor in the preservation of endangered species.
25. The unpredictable temperalitie of natural disasters can have devastating consequences for human populations.
26. The temperalitie of historical events can have far-reaching impacts on modern societies.
27. The gradual temperalitie of renewable energy development holds great promise for a sustainable future.
28. The temperalitie of human memory can be influenced by a variety of factors such as emotions and environment.
29. The temperalitie of the fashion industry can be impacted by social and cultural trends.
30. The unpredictable temperalitie of accidents and emergencies requires constant vigilance and preparedness.

Common Phases

1. One must consider the temperalitie of the situation before making a decision;
2. Understanding the temperalitie of history is crucial for studying a specific time period;
3. The temperalitie of weather patterns can greatly impact crop yields;
4. It's important to acknowledge the temperalitie of our emotions to better regulate them;
5. Adapting to the temperalitie of new technology is necessary for success in the modern world.

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