Tunings example sentences

"Tunings" Example Sentences

1. The guitarist had to adjust the tunings on his guitar before playing.
2. She experimented with different tunings until she found the perfect one.
3. The piano tuner was able to fix the tunings to make the piano sound like new.
4. The band spent hours working on the tunings to ensure a flawless performance.
5. Tunings are essential to getting a clear sound from any instrument.
6. The violinist played with different tunings depending on the type of music.
7. The bass player changed the tunings on his instrument to get a deeper sound.
8. Tunings can make a huge difference in the overall quality of a performance.
9. The guitarist struggled with the tunings, causing the crowd to become restless.
10. Tunings are often overlooked but are crucial to creating great music.
11. The sound engineer had to adjust the tunings on the speakers to get the perfect sound.
12. The orchestra had to go through several tunings before the performance began.
13. Tunings can vary depending on the type of instrument, genre of music, and personal preference.
14. The musician was able to create a unique sound by using non-traditional tunings.
15. Tunings can be difficult to master, but with practice, anyone can do it.
16. The guitarist had to learn new tunings for a particular song, which took some time.
17. Tunings are often a topic of discussion among musicians, as everyone has their own techniques and preferences.
18. The pianist had to adjust the tunings of the piano multiple times during the rehearsal.
19. The band experimented with different tunings during their soundcheck to ensure everything was perfect.
20. Tunings can also affect the intonation of an instrument, making it important to get them right.
21. The guitarist used a unique set of tunings that he had developed himself.
22. The violinist preferred to use alternate tunings for their solo pieces.
23. Tunings can even differ between guitars of the same make and model.
24. The bassist had to change the tunings on his flexible strings frequently during the tour.
25. Tunings are an important aspect of playing any stringed instrument, whether it be guitar, violin, or cello.
26. The guitarist was able to create a psychedelic sound by using unconventional tunings.
27. The musician taught himself new tunings by watching YouTube tutorials and practicing at home.
28. Tunings can be difficult to remember on the spot, making it important to make notes for future reference.
29. The mandolin player experimented with various tunings to get a unique sound for their album.
30. Even the slightest differences in tunings can have a significant impact on the overall sound of an instrument.

Common Phases

1. Alternate tunings; Drop D tuning; Open G tuning;
2. Standard tuning; Half step down tuning; Full step down tuning;
3. Guitar tunings; Ukulele tunings; Mandolin tunings;
4. Dropped tunings; Double dropped D tuning; Dropped C tuning;
5. Open tunings; Open D tuning; Open E tuning; Open A tuning;

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