Abbreviation example sentences

Related (2): acronym, initialism

"Abbreviation" Example Sentences

1. The standardized abbreviation for kilograms is kg.
2. The abbreviation for the word 'number' is no.
3. Internet is the standard abbreviation for the term Internet.
4. We used the abbreviation Ms. for the title Miss.
5. The abbreviation for street is st.
6. The company name was abbreviated to ABC Corp.
7. The abbreviation for avenue is ave.
8. Feb. is a common abbreviation for the month February.
9. Mt. is the abbreviation for the word mountain.
10. Doctor is abbreviated as Dr.
11. The chemical formula H2O is an abbreviation for water.
12. In an abbreviation, you omit certain letters from a word while keeping the essential letters to make it shorter.
13. Major is often abbreviated as Maj.
14. The Latin root word abbreviare means to shorten.
15. January is often abbreviated as Jan.
16. Captain is commonly abbreviated as Capt.
17. Road is often abbreviated as rd. or rd.
18. Students should avoid using too many abbreviations in formal writing.
19. Common abbreviations include etc. for et cetera, i.e. for id est, and viz. for videlicet.
20. The abbreviation for Monday is Mon.
21. The chemical compound NaCl is an abbreviation for sodium chloride or table salt.
22. The word etcetera is abbreviated etc.
23. The word versus is often abbreviated vs.
24. In algebra, the symbols < , >, ≠ and = are common abbreviations.
25. You should define any abbreviation the first time you use it in a formal document.
26. Use standard abbreviations whenever possible rather than creating your own.
27. The word number is often abbreviated no.
28. The street name Boulevard is often abbreviated Blvd.
29. Avenue is commonly abbreviated to Ave.
30. When writing by hand, use a period after an abbreviation.
31. December is abbreviated as Dec.
32. The Bible contains many abbreviations such as e.g. for exempli gratia and a.m. for ante meridiem.
33. The word Lieutenant is commonly abbreviated to Lt.
34. Points per game in sports is often abbreviated as PPG.
35. The company's full name was too long, so they adopted the abbreviation ABC Inc.
36. The term etcetera is abbreviated etc.
37. Most abbreviations use only the first letter of each word in the full term.
38. In algebra, ≤ means less than or equal to and ≥ means greater than or equal to.
39. The word versus is commonly abbreviated to vs.
40. In a comment or footnote, you can use standard abbreviations without defining them.
41. The United States is often abbreviated as U.S.
42. The word corporation is often abbreviated Corp.
43. The symbol # is a common abbreviation for the word number.
44. The word and is commonly abbreviated as &.
45. The word videlicet is abbreviated viz.
46. Right angle is commonly abbreviated as ∠.
47. Testing and measurement units often have established abbreviations like in. for inches and lb. for pounds.
48. The word pound is often abbreviated as lb.
49. The symbol ≈ means approximately equal to.
50. In algebra, the symbol ≥ means greater than or equal to.
51. Unit abbreviations follow the unit, not precede it, as in 12 lb., not lb. 12.
52. Do not use periods with abbreviations in tables or figures.
53. Typical degree abbreviations include B.A. for Bachelor of Arts and Ph.D. for Doctor of Philosophy.
54. The symbol ∞ means infinity.
55. Ampersand (&) is commonly used as an abbreviation for the word and in headings and titles.
56. The Roman numerals used for monarchs are abbreviations, like Elizabeth II.
57. Many symbols in mathematics and science are abbreviations, such as ≤ for less than or equal to.
58. The words exempli gratia are commonly abbreviated e.g.
59. The metric prefix kilo is often abbreviated as k.
60. The hour from midnight to noon is commonly abbreviated as a.m.

Common Phases

1. The FBI is an abbreviation for the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
2. DVD is an abbreviation for digital video disc.
3. SAT is an abbreviation for Scholastic Aptitude Test.
4. ADHD is an abbreviation for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.
5. UN is an abbreviation for United Nations.
6. ASAP is an abbreviation that means as soon as possible.
7. I can't remember the full name, I just know the abbreviation, ASAP.
8. The abbreviation, etc., means et cetera, or and so forth.
9. The abbreviation i.e. means id est, or that is.
10. We use abbreviations to make writing faster and less cumbersome.
11. The abbreviation for sunrise is SR and sunset is SS.
12. GPS is an abbreviation for Global Positioning System.
13. Ms. is a common abbreviation for Miss or Mistress.
14. St. is the abbreviation for Street.
15. The abbreviation for pounds is lb.
16. The abbreviation LOL means 'laughing out loud.'
17. I texted her LOL after the joke he told.
18. OMG is an abbreviation for 'Oh my God!'
19. She couldn't believe what I said and texted me OMG.
20. TBH is an abbreviation that means 'to be honest.'
21. CEO is an abbreviation for Chief Executive Officer.
22. CFO is an abbreviation for Chief Financial Officer.
23. COO is an abbreviation for Chief Operating Officer.
24. The abbreviation PM stands for post meridiem.
25. AM is an abbreviation that means ante meridiem.
26. The company has an HR department, which stands for Human Resources.
27. NSFW is an abbreviation for 'not safe for work.'
28. IMHO is an abbreviation for 'in my humble/honest opinion.'
29. FYI is an abbreviation for 'for your information.'
30. ASAP is an abbreviation for 'as soon as possible.'
31. The doctor's name was Dr. Smith according to his name tag abbreviation.
32. Be careful using abbreviations in formal writing to avoid ambiguity.
33. Pediatricians are sometimes called peds in abbreviation.
34. Etc. is an abbreviation used to represent 'and so forth.'
35. Generally, try to avoid overusing abbreviations in business communications.
36. Gov. is the abbreviation commonly used for governor.
37. The abbreviation Rep. refers to representative.
38. I saw his name abbreviated as Rev. which means reverend.
39. The abbreviation Lt. stands for lieutenant.
40. In summary, use abbreviations sparingly and clearly define any new ones.
41. Exc. is an abbreviation meaning excluding or exclude.
42. Some abbreviations like etc. have become standard parts of the language.
43. Ctrl is an abbreviation for control key on a computer keyboard.
44. Mr., Mrs. and Ms. are common title abbreviations.
45. I abbreviate my friends' names for texting and social media.
46. Abbreviations save time and space when writing or typing.
47. The abbreviation for versus is vs.
48. cm is the abbreviation for centimeter as a unit of measurement.
49. in. is the abbreviation commonly used for inch.
50. Amp is the electrical abbreviation for ampere.
51. Km is the abbreviation for kilometer.
52. ft is the abbreviation for foot as a unit of measurement.
53. oz is the abbreviation for ounce.
54. No. is an abbreviation for number.
55. Definitions for common abbreviations are often provided in dictionaries.
56. 'Abbrev.' is itself an abbreviation meaning 'abbreviation.'
57. Abbreviations require the reader have sufficient context to interpret.
58. Many abbreviations date back to Latin or Ancient Greek origins.
59. Avoid using obscure or unfamiliar abbreviations unless defined.
60. The spelling of abbreviations usually follows that of the spelled-out form.

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